Mastering Action Genre: Obligatory Scenes and Conventions with Story Grid Methodology

Mastering Action Genre: Obligatory Scenes and Conventions with Story Grid Methodology

Darian on Books

54 года назад

64 Просмотров

📷 @TheDarianChavez of Instagram

Dive into the intricacies of the action genre with me, Darian Chavez - Writing Popular Fiction Grad student at Seton Hill University, as I break down the obligatory scenes and genre conventions according to the Story Grid methodology. Whether you're writing your first action-packed novel or refining your screenplay, this video will provide invaluable insights into crafting compelling action stories. Learn about the key scenes that drive the action forward, the essential elements that define the genre, and tips for outlining and editing your manuscript to meet genre expectations. Enhance your storytelling skills with these practical guidelines and elevate your writing to the next level!

Intro: 00:00
Action Genre Conventions
1: Hero with special ability - 01:10
2: Powerful antagonist - 02:32
3: High stakes objective - 03:12
4: Constant action - 04:11
5: Hero faces physical/moral tests - 04:41
Action Obligatory Scenes
1: Inciting attack - 05:37
2: Hero responds to call to action - 06:53
3: Training montage - 07:28
4: Confrontation - 08:20
5: Face off & resolution - 09:09

🎵 Music by Magnetic_Trailer


#Story_Grid #action_genre #writing_tips #obligatory_scenes #genre_conventions #storytelling #outlining #editing #novel_writing #screenplay_writing #writing_advice #creative_writing #action_stories #narrative_structure #story_elements #writing_methodology #writer's_toolkit #dariantheeclectic #darian_chavez
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@stgr6669 - 16.09.2024 16:19

Unlike thrillers, action books don't seem to be very common. Books I'd classify there aren't very thrilling, in my opinion. But maybe I just missed the good ones.When I think about the action genre, I think about movies, not books. A lot of these scenes and conventions, based on readers' expectations, also seem to be inspired by movies. If we like action novels, we probably like action movies too.

What are good action stories, good action authors?
