Pavlo Interview 2nd Part - Frog in the Pot

Pavlo Interview 2nd Part - Frog in the Pot

Anti Totalitarianism

54 года назад

1 Просмотров

It is the second part of the interview with @PavlovianResponse talking about the frog in the pot theory which exactly Hong Kongers talked about a few years before! From my point of view, Ukrainians are not only fighting Russia, but totalitarianism. To fight totalitarianism, I believe that we must unite and fight back together, in support of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uyghur, Tibet. If Ukraine is defeated, World War III will be imminent, and Europe should prepare itself for war, both economically and militarily.

Content :

“This is something that needs to be remembered because if people do not realize this now that they need to help these nations Fighting For Freedom while they’re still able to fight.

Well then this fight will come to them and they will have to suffer. They will have to fight themselves. The people of the West will have to do this fight themselves if they allow Ukraine and many other places where this battle is being waged right now.

We need to avoid the metaphor of the frog in the pot you know if we put a frog in a pot with boiling water it will simply jump but if we put it in a pot with water that’s not as hot and we slowly warm that pot it will cook itself alive there it will not notice the change in temperature we need to be different to that we need to be able to realize this gradual escalation there that authoritarian regimes like China and like Russia North Korea or Ayatollah Iran are committing right now they’re doing it on purpose .

They’re doing it on purpose to make sure that people stay asleep and we need to make people wake them up so that they are not murdered in their sleep.”

When the Last Ukrainian Soldier Falls, Putin will Come for You!


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