I've had my eye on Rokee for a while now. Fairly recently I've started seeing others talk about them. I was planning on placing an order a while back and then everything happen with Russia, so they stopped shipping. I've had some other priorities since they started shipping again. I appreciate you doing a video on their leads. They looked great, you just don't know sometimes. I'll have to take another look at their products soon.
ОтветитьNice video
ОтветитьDarren thanks for sharing and I’m going to do some ordering today. Darren a quick idea you could include in one I’d our classes is converting the voltage settings on amp clamps to reading amps to create custom probes on pico. I’m sure it would help others in our group. Now on to ordering. 👍
Ответитьi would say the 4 or 6 test leads for injector testing would be my no# 1 choice. having the info to test 3 or 6 injectors/ignition at the same time can be a real help for Dianostic troubleshooting. but i am sure the pack of leads you were showing can also come in handy at times. keep it tuned and go like hell!
ОтветитьGreat video , rotkee leads are good quality and value for money .. thanks Darren , check his mechanic mindset courses, great content and excellent value for money
I wish you would still use the 2204a that’s what I bought after your videos
ОтветитьThe 4 in 1 or the 6 i 1 would be a nice addition. I actually never look if they pull to ground. Maybe never had any failure where this was a main cause. Good pricing for these products.
ОтветитьI have been using their products for quite some time and can confirm that they ARE well made, I've had zero problems and haven't really been all that nice to them... Their back probes are really nice, I thought the springy part would give up but no sir, they're unkillable.
The only problem is that they don't make every little thing one might need, I would really love to have that level of quality at those price levels for piercing probes, connectors, adapters aso.
Is the same using pico 2205A?
ОтветитьAgain another AWESOME video, Darren, Thank you, it was only around the 3/4 of the time period that i was wondering if you were either on 'CRACK' or something was awol, as you seemed to be firing on all cylinders (figuratively speaking!! ) at a rapid pace, that is until i checked the video speed setting, and realised it was set at 1.75 X the normal, Duhhh,, i really thought you had been on some specialist rapid speech course, presumably to create more 'IMPACT' a bit like 'BEN SHAPIRO' who's mouth operates at X4 times the speed of his Brain, no insult or sarcasm intended for any direct/indirect content producers here btw 🙂 seriously, anyway, i'm wondering if i wrote off to a few companies that produce nice tools and accessories , ( Snap on, Britool, Facom, Pico, and a few more that i can't think of their names at this ungodly hour, would they be kind enough to send me a parcel or 2 of nice gear ?? 🤔, i could do with a few nice shiny tools to Add to my works roll cab ☺Lol!! yes i shall check out them cool connectors, price appears reasonable too, once again , Thank you for the time and effort, well appreciated, ohh no sign of Wednesday , hope she's all good ? 😾 😎
ОтветитьLooks like the secondary waveform is inverted
ОтветитьSUBSTANTIAL Mechanic Mindset
Thank you very much for sharing it
Take care and have a great day
SUBSTANTIAL Mechanic Mindset
From Nick Ayivor from London England UK 🇬🇧
Hello and thank you very much for the demonstration, in addition we can pay with paypal
ОтветитьI'm interested in the Rotkee LX6 inductive sensors but how would you keep all six attached at the same time?
ОтветитьLooks like you're getting pretty comfortable with your scope, and you're at almost 20k subs. Your video and audio quality is awesome.
I finally got a Rigol MSO5000 a couple of months back, instead of the Micsig I was looking at, but I've got a ton to learn about using it. Naturally, Rigol lowered the price on all their 4 channel scopes by $200 recently, plus they're still including the bundled serial decoders and signal generators. I'm guessing a new scope is about to come out and full obsolete mine. ;)
Speaking of Micsig, they have a new automotive tablet scope with knobs, as well as touchscreen. It looks pretty handy, being so portable and all.
I've tried to order every single part that rotkee sells, unfortunately i wasn't able to figure out a way to pay :( i hope that'll change in the future as i really like what they're doing especially for the price
ОтветитьThis Rotkee Ukrainian company appear to be producing some very interesting products . Do you know if their VS vibration Sensor for use on diesel engines is compatible with the entry level Pico oscilloscopes ? They also do some very interesting equipment for detecting vibration in bearings.
ОтветитьWell that was interesting. I'm ordering the 2204A and these leads are a great way to compare my 4 injectors using a 2 input scope. Just need to use the attenuators and figure out the ground configuration. Is this a correct assessment? Your videos are fantastic!!! Thank you!!!!!
ОтветитьHi sorry you just made me fall in love with Mrs Rotkee. With $800 I was able to get pretty much everything except the vibration sensor and a few other stuff. The quality is good. I should be able to post a few videos soon.
ОтветитьDoes the Rotkee pressure sensor or the COP inductive sensor require an attenuator on the Pico 2204a?
ОтветитьWould you be able to test the shielding ability on the Rotkee extension wires with the translucent insulation like that are on the end of the mixer lead compared to a traditional cable like the Hantek HT30a? I was looking at these but have some reservations about how well this type of wire would do to prevent interference.
ОтветитьRotkee Lx4 Inductive Sensor can it work on PicoScope7 or you will need Rotkee MT Pro 4.1 Automotive Oscilloscope
ОтветитьJust received my first order from RotKee and I am well impressed with the workmanship and quality of the probes. For the money they are excellent value. I am looking forward to using them in my every day mobile diagnostic work. Excellent video. Keep up the good work.
ОтветитьI received the parcel today sent by Rotkee, 45 days long to reach me. But they sent me too many the same test leads I didn't buy. They didn't send me the right products such as Pressure Transducer and so many others I ordered.
I was just about to see their web site but it is down. I don't know why???
The web site is back working now.
Hi, friend. I don’t know what kind of oscilloscope you use, but I advise you to buy a postal oscilloscope 4
ОтветитьHow long did it take for you to receive your package from Rotkee? I put in an order shipped to the US 6 weeks ago, and it still shows the same status on the Ukrposhta tracking as it did the first day they checked it in. I sent Rotkee an email a couple weeks ago inquiring about it and they just said that it was in transit, however, it doesn't appear to me it's ever left the post office in the Ukraine.
ОтветитьThey add resistors or diodes ?
ОтветитьRecently, Rotkee's product quality has dropped significantly.I recently bought probes, so the BNC quality is disgusting.
What I bought earlier was an excellent quality, now it is IMPOSSIBLE to say this. BNC will be changed.
I was going to ask about backfeeding the other injectors with that four lead probe but you answered that. Wouldn’t putting a diode in-line be a better solution and not affect the signal while preventing one signal from actuating all injectors?
ОтветитьI would love to see a review of their oscilloscope I enjoy using mine but there's a lot of features that I'm still unsure of
ОтветитьWhat kind of resistor is in the mixer leads, look to reuse my old mareli oscilloscope cable. !??
ОтветитьIm trying to look for a decent cop probe that works with 3 and 4 wire coils since these are well insulated and cant pick up much with the ones ive seen. Thanks
ОтветитьCool video mate, thank you!
Ответитьthanks for this!
ОтветитьI will be ordering the 4 into 1 leads and I was thinking about ordering two so I could cover 8 cylinders on two channels along with two of the basic 4 into 1 leads so on a four channel scope I could see all coils and all injectors on an 8 cylinder engine for example. As for a 6 cylinder use four on one channel and two on another channel. Is there something I'm missing or do you think that would work? Great video and I will be without a doubt be ordering from them. An $89 pressure transducer definitely caught my eye as opposed to $1300 for the Pico kit. Maybe you could do a comparison test with them possibly? Thank you for the great videos.
ОтветитьThe Rotkee probes look interesting. I have similar probes from some other vendors, but I like to try new probes. I ordered several, the acoustical probe, the 4-in-1 probe (2), and TL-mlp Multipurpose Test Lead. I enjoy watching your videos. I do have a PicoScope, a 2204, for small stuff - and mostly to be able to say I have a PicoScope for folks that may pooh pooh me having a non-PicoScope in my arsenal. My GoTo scope is a MicSig 4 channel SATO1004. It is very capable and not needing an outside piece of equipment (laptop) makes it easier to use - less clumsy. All of the various demonstrations you present can be performed with the MicSig unit also, which is nice.
ОтветитьThe signal is between 5V-15V for the Rotkee Ignition Pickup. Igniton is usually around 50V, is there a conversion needed to get actual measurement or is it for waveform shape analysis, not waveform measurement?
ОтветитьDid you mean to say diode with the injector test leads?
ОтветитьTheir software looks pretty impressive, and for the price will be best scope of or the money.i wonder how it does with can bus.
ОтветитьHello, can you explain, how to connect the 4 to 1 rottkee ignition probes to the Pico 4425A, espacaly how to ground it. Thanks
ОтветитьI'm confused on the mixer. So the first waveform on the screen is one cylinder, the second is another cylinder and so on?
Ответитьon rotkee website the lx1 coil on probe says that the output range voltage is over -1v to 1v, but you got peaks almost over 20v, should i be using a attenuator on my pico 2204a????? or there is something im missing?
Great conttent! im getting the osciloscope master course as soon as i can! following from mexico
Saludos me gustaría saber para usar la sonda 4 en 1 no deberíamos usar atenuador?
ОтветитьSo I’m really new to oscilloscopes. My question are oscilloscope current probes interchangeable between brands? For instance I can buy a pico scope current clamp and use it on a siglent brand handheld oscilloscope?
ОтветитьAlso looks like rotkee is out of Ukraine. Must be a difficult time to acquire parts if at all from Ukraine ?
ОтветитьIs there a code or link to buy through to get you something for the referral?
ОтветитьOne thing I don’t quite understand, is why there is no direct ground connection on any of those? Will it be safe to connect through 2 BNC splitters?
(6cylinder application) Ignition over the wire pickup comes in sets of 3 maximum. 1 splitter for 2 sets of 3 pickups and the second for the ground connection.
my oscilloscope is MICSIG SATO1104 just want to ask if that one has a common ground? if not can u send me the link please for the dual splitter thanks in advance for the reply