according some lore, ciri might be gerald's daughter, (far as I know, auther has given no clear answer on this) in which case she would be 1/4 witcher, which would mean she cant go through the trial...
ОтветитьWhy is everything like a glass ceiling to them?
ОтветитьIsn't Sapkowski known to have been angry at CDPR though? Like, they have bad blood. Partly from CDPR straying from the books, and more because of royalties stuff. He also hates games. So... I'm not really surprised that CDPR is beating around the bush when asked about consulting the author.
Also, Sapkowski's not a saint here either. He's pretty progressive and did work with the Witcher netflix series. He won't care 100% for any wokism done to the adaptations of his work.
It's not that she's a girl boss, that's fine. It's because she looks intentionally uglified.
ОтветитьSo Witcher 4 is going to be trash ? I see. And they didn't care about asking the actual creator of the franchise either. Thats funny. Ciri isnt a witcher at all. Rhey made it very clear that girl's bodies cant handle this. The percentage to even succeed for men is ridiculously low as it is.
ОтветитьWhy did every anime creater I watched growing up turn into the daily wire of the anime space 💀
ОтветитьAnd now they are banning any discussion that addresses concerns in the steam forums.
ОтветитьYou forgot to mention that Endymion absolutely cooked this guy the very next day.
ОтветитьGood Job at continuing to call out all this Left Wing Political Woke Stuff. It wasn't long ago that people didn't want to touch this stuff with a ten foot pole & people like yourself should be complemented.
Ответитьcomment section filled with the most neck beard lonely men to ever exist lmao all yall watching a grown ass man cosplay as an anime girl talking about a series they have never interacted with before, bunch of grifter sheep pretending to be fans as usual
Ответитьasian did DEI better than wokes in the west holy shit sjw are so weird and stupid. they don't have a lore model that is why they're look so lost and annoying.
ОтветитьThey really dont understand gamer
if we dont like it, we dont play it
The wokness virus has infected the AAA industry to the point people can now instantly detect when a game is woke just by looking at the trailer. And now our "suspicions" have been confirmed about The Witcher 4 by no other than people from CDPR, including the LORE DESIGNER for that game. Also, don't forget most of the people that worked on The witcher 3 are long gone from CDPR so we can't expect the same level of quality for this one.
Ответитьit's great that CDPR is so confident in Ciri as the upcoming female lead in the Witcher series.
so brave and confident that they couldn't let Ciri stand on her own strengths and abilities,
but had to shove her into a male role just to prove what ?
that her skills and achievements aren't good enough for a main role?
They really think pre-ordering games will be the go for gamers in 2025?
ОтветитьDEI= destroying entertainment industries
ОтветитьThis is a non-issue.
ОтветитьThere is no rule that says only men can be witchers. Actually in the Witcher 3 we see Siri training to become one.
ОтветитьRegarding the lore accuracy and not asking the author, he has stated several times that he doesn't care what people do with his property as long as he gets paid. He never believed in the games at all since back when they made the first game. It's a Polish company where the devs adored the Witcher books and made the games from passion about them and I don't think the fourth game is an exception.
Sure I think Ciri being the new Witcher is a strange choice, I would have preferred a new original character or something.
All in all, people are skeptical about the wrong things imo
Game is probably gonna be great. Cyberpunk is amazing and so was the Witcher. I don't see them making the same mistakes twice or the mistakes other developers are making at these times
Oh another boy not knowing anything about the lore talking about how the lore is wrong. Just stfu and play the games or read the books first ffs..
ОтветитьA world based in magic uses magic to circumvent rules 😅
ОтветитьI do have problems with it, but they backed themselves into a corner.
The books seem pretty clear that she's an honorary Witcher is all, really. The writing to turn her into a full witcher is pretty lazy, considering the process only has 30 - 40% success rate (which is actually taken even lower by the time she would have gone through them for various reasons) and with girls it has been done on; A near 100% mortality rate (from what I understand) even on their new lore they're rewriting currently.
It's just a massive plot armor moment.
But as I said; They backed themselves into a corner, since they still want an Actual Witcher MC but would rather it be an established character (makes sense) and people like Ciri...So they did the lazy route instead of creating a new character, biting the bullet on her not being a full Witcher or literally anything else.
Personally; My biggest problem would be how she is portrayed in the trailer so far. I don't even care that they take the lazy route, but they could at least make her a bit more than just another explosive female MC.
It's unironically sexist they they seem to think every female MC has to be overly emotional and constantly on the brink of losing their mind.
Just my two cents, though.
How are you a VRTuber that's anti-woke? That's like being a femboy thats a republican
ОтветитьCyberpunk was the worst game ever created. It's sad CD Project is allowed to exist.
ОтветитьI have high hopes for Witcher 4. Cyberpunk did really good and it's got a tun of dei stuff in it. So I'm hoping Witcher 4 will work out as well
ОтветитьYou can't just tell me "she looks older".
She already had a pretty slim face in Witcher 3, if she's older her face should be more gaunt.
But instead it looks like she got Botox injections in her cheeks
Well, anyone else see it coming yet?
Plot twist: Ciri is a biological man, turning trans woman at some point!
There mfs, doesnt break you precious "lore". Happy?
I swear, if i'm right...
Well after seeing this, I have no confidence in Witcher 4 and will not be buying the game.
ОтветитьKind of weird to keep calling the journalist lore designer a "they". He's clearly a soyboy.
ОтветитьOh no, rev became stupid.
Didnt the author if the witcher series say he didnt want to get involved when proposed that a game was going to be made out of it? And im pretty sure a few years ago CDPR said the games are loosely based off the books. And the part about asking the author.... i mean, if its from the original book sources... and the author still refers as such.... then i dont think theres anything to debate about
Society finds males deplorable(especially by misandrists and femcels who support and promote their matriarchy sometimes referrering to them as toxic and/or incels). Here are three main examples: They claim females live longer than males, they send males out to die in a military draft and they don't have an awareness month for prostate cancer even though prostate cancer kills more people than breast cancer.
ОтветитьDude youre trying so hard to make this a case. At no point in the books there is written that women cant be witchers. You pulling stuff out of your ass. You creating bs for clicks. Pathetic really.
ОтветитьI'm always entertained by the strawman argument that gamers are somehow too fragile to handle a female protagonist—especially when there are countless amazing games featuring badass female leads.
Our skepticism about Witcher 4 has nothing to do with not wanting to play as Ciri. It’s about the glaring red flags the developers keep setting off, one after another.
This is starting to feel like yet another case of, “We release a dumpster fire of a game and then blame the fans for not loving it.”
It seems like game journalist are trying to start shit again
ОтветитьI blame EA personally, they tanked so many games for Bioware and CDPR. They demand DEI and content ruled by HR rather than by writers.
ОтветитьI’m confused as to why diversity and making an effort to include diverse perspectives and backgrounds is considered a negative ?
Ответитьooh, now I see why all the other "lore" reaction/yap videos completely (willfully?) missed: The uncontrollable, anti-PR twitter screeching. That changes the context on everything. Th3Bradman or whathisname something also deliberately ignored and strawman'd on the double.
ОтветитьThey did, straight up they did!! Screw CDPR!!!
ОтветитьThey did, straight up they did!! Screw CDPR!!!
ОтветитьThese egotistical morons slander gamers and call them names....while failing to realise that theyre the customers and theyre scaring them off. How the hell do these people even get to work for game studios is beyond me.
ОтветитьI was skeptical about this game, but it's in the "do not buy" category in my mind. They probably coukd have gotten away with calling Ciri a "witcher" as a job title, but to make it so she went through the trial of the grasses, yea, that won't work for me.
Her performing a witchers job, without the mutations, and what people expect to see, would have already been an interesting dynamic to tell. We already know of people pretending to be witchers to scam people out of money, and she would have to face some of those criticisms and overcome them. That would be more interesting to me. Well, she does have the elder blood which is so overpowered, she could potentially take on Gaunter O'Dimm and win an actual fight. Or that elder vampire.
I mean if the author called her a Witcher and so did Geralt, then it seems fair to say she’s a Witcher.
ОтветитьFor a gaming company, hating on gamers is literally throwing money away! It’s straight up Darwinism! 😂
ОтветитьDEI means equality, but instead thay just give benefits to non man, non white people just because. It is the most unfair thing there is
ОтветитьI truly hope they make good games. I want a good Cyberpunk sequel.
ОтветитьAbout lore of witchers, its right, but not really) It says that if you are in touch with magic, you will come thru initiate less difficult, and Ciri technically was born from magic)