Which is the better language between Go and Rust? Which offers the best performance? Which offers the best opportunities? Which should you learn? (I'm using CodeCrafters to dive deep:
https://app.codecrafters.io/join?via=Gosev . To cover the basics, try Exercism:
https://exercism.org/ )
We’ll dive into all that. First, let me explain how we’ll be approaching this.
First, we’ll look at the differences in **philosophy and mindset** between each language.
Second, we’ll explore the **features** of both languages and their relative strengths and weaknesses
Third, we’ll examine what the **statistics** say about the difference between the two languages in terms of developer experience, attractiveness and salary.
And then I’ll tell you what I recommend. But whatever language you choose, I’ve provided links in the description to helpful resources for learning them.
Let’s dive in!
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