The insider was great! One of the best eye opening movies about corporate greed. Maybe tobacco corporate did it in? 😮 btw, david lynch’s Dune 👌👌👌👌👌❤️❤️❤️👌👌👌
ОтветитьThe Keep is one of the very few movies I hope gets a remake.
ОтветитьDavid Lynch movies are all overrated, obnoxious, assuming, presumptuous, stupid, Satanic rubbish. Rednecks get better acid than Art Majors, for sure.
ОтветитьSo which movie actually killed Allen Smithie because you listed two different movies saying the same thing.
ОтветитьThe problems with The Keep include ) the monster reveal was too early in the movie and ) its filmed like a music video. Its a decent enough story but barely watchable as a film.
ОтветитьThe Keep - - A Movie about Nazi's occupying a Romanian Castle and unleashing an ancient evil that starts butchering them and the director didn't know what the monster should look like!
Hello Ancient evil in a Romanian Castle You had Vampire for low-hanging fruit and you didn't take it!
I know I’m In the minority here but not ONLY is Hellboy 2019 a good movie, it’s better than BOTH the caveman Ron Perlman starring Hellboy movies. It’s fun, fast and funny
ОтветитьShrimp on the Bar B was a great movie.
ОтветитьThe original Dune isn't as bad as people say it is I like it.
ОтветитьThe Keep is a cool movie,but it was ruined by studio interference. I actually like it though. I own it on DVD.
ОтветитьDune was an enjoyable movie.
ОтветитьI loved Hellboy
ОтветитьSUNSHINE is one of favorite films of all time 🤨
ОтветитьDune is actually a good movie. It has Lynch's stamp all over it. You can tell it was made by him.
ОтветитьThe Keep, Sunshine, and 1984 Dune are brilliant movies. I own The Keep on Bluray and you, the voice on this video, are clearly born in the past 20 years. You have no idea what you are quoting about. If you do not like something, it does not mean it is a shit product. I would ❤️ to see the 2 hour version of the keep. The mistake everybody makes is to review with their personal decisions.The Keep OST by Tangerine Dream is OK, but it's missing one important track, the film intro track.
This video is NOT fair on 3 movies that are BRILLIANT. Dune of today is crap. I hate 2023 & 2024 Dune. Ok, the tv 1984 telly version of Dune is crap but the special edition video with all the deleted scenes back in is Fantastic. Dune 1984 Special Edition is 150 minutes og Sci-Fi GOLD.
2007's Sunshine was mostly a great Sci-fi movie, but I have to admit, the fight sequence at the end was unnecessary and far-fetched. The OST is a must own.
Talking about shit script, poor acting and producing company trumping over anything else, these titles wouldn’t even be at the beginning of the list :) I think recently some directors and actors are maybe just less “vocal” in expressing their opinion on the masterpieces they needed uo working on
ОтветитьThe problem with "The Keep" is that there was an entire back story dropped from the script. Without it, the movie MADE NO SENSE!!! Similar to the theatrical release of Friedkin's Sorcerer. Studios often meddle into the movies and make them a lot worse.
ОтветитьSnow White 2025 will be added to this list shortly.
ОтветитьActually, I saw The Keep on TV many years ago and it was not too bad for its time. A tad Lovecraftian. Can still be viewed on Amazon Prime Video. A chance to make up your own mind if so moved.
ОтветитьDune extended version is one of my favorites
ОтветитьHellboy 2019 could've been great if they just did the old comics instead of taking elements from them and twisting them around
ОтветитьDune was a masterpiece despite the box office numbers. But you never actually get the whole story unless you watch the director's cut.
ОтветитьBut I ❤ David Lynch's Dune and Supernova. 🤦🤦
ОтветитьHonorable mention: Space Truckers directed by Stuart Gordon.
ОтветитьThe Keep was released on a 4k disc in Jan.
ОтветитьThe original Dune was an amazing movie for it's time!
ОтветитьSupernova was actually a pretty good story.
ОтветитьI want someone to hold me upside down and burp my ass , like a baaby.
ОтветитьDune (Lynch), divorced from the source material, is a good syfy movie... still better than any of Brian Herbert's additions. There is a classic buried in The Keep, a lost opportunity.
ОтветитьI love the keep, is a Hidden Jewel!
ОтветитьSupernova is good enuff!
ОтветитьDune is a Masterpiece!!! Is not as good as the nee but is great!
ОтветитьI liked “The Keep”! It’s not perfect, but it’s got some great parts - especially the atmosphere.
ОтветитьI loved The Keep. Great sci-fi. Also 84 Dune was also great, they just couldnt copy the book.
ОтветитьThe Keep should be remade.
ОтветитьSupernova was alright. Great concepts
ОтветитьI watched The Keep 🎦 during lockdowns, I kinda liked it.
Can only imagine how good it could have been if all that hadn’t happened.
Sunshine was a good film. It wasn't about stopping a solar flare, though. The sun was running out of fuseable hydrogen at a rate far exceeding what scientists had predicted, meaning it was soon to become unstable, then dim, and potentially threaten life on earth. And that was used as a backdrop for asking the questions: "what would a small group of people sacrifice in order to save all humanity? What choices in unexpected situations would they make? Or even an individual? Is it worth it to take a life to save all of us? Is something lost by making that choice?" Sunshine was a solid story, and well-enjoyed by those with the depth of being to see what was being asked. So maybe that's why it had small returns.
ОтветитьThe Insider was a good movie.
ОтветитьSunshine is good, though
ОтветитьI enjoy dune and watch it often. The rest are trash
ОтветитьThe novel by the same name that "The Keep" is (very loosely) based on is actually very good. The movie not so much.
The original Dune is actually much better than the current version. The only edge the new one has over the old is special effects and that's not Lynch's fault, he could only work with what he had at the time.
Sunshine was an awesome movie idc it flopped
ОтветитьThe Keep is great!
ОтветитьSnow White will be on this list in a few years.
ОтветитьThankful I saw "The Insider"!
ОтветитьI like the Keep.
ОтветитьI love Dune and Shrimp on the Barbie.
ОтветитьI know that Dune has become something of a cult classic, sort of like Showgirls. Tanked at the box office, but has gathered a loyal following via streaming/DVD (I've got a BluRay copy). But if you've read the book, I think you get an idea of how challenging it is to try to cram that much information into a single, feature-length movie. Hence the newer version in two (long) parts.