Would love this and would totally get it but it sucks that's its an exclusive (since my country has neither Target or Wal-Mart)
ОтветитьI don’t really like this Batman beyond figure but the unmasked head sculpt is really nice but Mcfarlane could just do what Mafex is doing with their articulation for the animated series figures but it will never happen sadly 😞
ОтветитьI left one of these sitting on the shelf. That was dumb I guess. It just looks so pitiful in that giant box. Haha
ОтветитьI just bought mine today before the video went up.. hand peg broke off… not returning it because of the Terry head… spent $24 on just a head I suppose 😂😂
ОтветитьInsane , I love it
Ответить1000% agree! Stop with the Platinum nonsense. We as collectors spend too much time and money in the form of gas to “hunt” these figures. They end up on eBay with astronomical prices. I’m faithful to this line because I own everything dating back to the DCC days but gotta admit this one was a PITA to get.
ОтветитьI didnt even know this was a thing wtf! I got the one from wal mart
ОтветитьId be if they do justice league next and reuse the molds from the originals when dc direct shut down
ОтветитьThere was also a clear green variant that came with a ride. I hope mcfarlane does that green version as well
ОтветитьI remember the one i had was the electric yellow armor batman beyond. I this one too 😂😂 i remember taping the wings together and throwing them like a real batarang
ОтветитьWhy did my store get injustice Superman when they were supposed to get Superman action comic??
Ответить@toyshiz or anyone else. I know this is not the video for the question I am about to ask. But, does anyone know when the GEO-Force figure will be released on the Target app for purchase/shipping ? I know some stores already have it, but where I live in MA we rarely get any like this. So I have to reply on shipping vs in store finds.
ОтветитьThe unmasked terry head should have come with the all black version.
Ответитьhow did you find this!?! I scanned the bar code you showed us with my target app and nothing popped up!
ОтветитьWish mafex would do a cartoon style Batman beyond
Ответитьguaranteed to never show up at my local targets!
ОтветитьJust watched and awesome review as always sir!!! Got original release from MacFarlane 2 years ago, but that's it for me!!!
ОтветитьI want to know why there wont put up a link to order?! I've been making many trips just to find one at Target and nothing. The Cheetoh Fingered Sclapers already have them for ridiculous prices on eBay.
ОтветитьI guarantee this’ll never turn up at any of the Targets near me. Just like those recent Super7 Thundercats figures. After a while it gets tiresome trying to track down these kind of figs that don’t even show up in their online inventory.
Ответить🆒 Batman Beyond
ОтветитьHow much does it cost the black custume of Terry
ОтветитьOh, so now we get the unmasked Terry head, WHICH SHOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN PACKAGED WITH THE REGULAR BATMAN BEYOND FIGURE. I was also hoping for better wings this time but I guess we can't get everything we want with these figures. Also, doing a re-color of a previous figure in order to pass it off as a reissue of a past Kenner figure? Why McFarlane?! Why?!
ОтветитьI love McFarlane toys. Totally turned off by platinums though. Platinums make my wallet shy.
ОтветитьI been hearing mixed feelings about this Batman Beyond figure in particular. This "Future Night" chase. And the regular Batman Beyond GL/PL. I personally feel that the regular Batman Beyond shouldn't have been a Gold Label nor Platinum Edition. Because I feel it defeats the purpose of this particular one being both GL/PL. But in some regards I would have rather had had this one be a basic Gold Label and had the Terry head come with the basic figure as a Gold Label Platinum Edition chase. Where I live, a lot of Targets and Walmarts have everything locked up. So hunting these figures was hard enough. Not to mention that living in a high traffic area as far as collectors, (The SF Bay Area) This variation of the figure was extremely hard to find as well as the basic GL/PL Batman Beyond, unless I went to the boondocks somewhere. I was lucky to get mines off of eBay for a price I was willing to pay, shout out to anyone who got this figure and paid retail for it though. Nonetheless, I'm happy to have this particular one of my collection. If I do happen to run into the basic Batman Beyond GL/PL in the wild somehow, I would love to have it to display with the non show accurate Beyond "Comic" Batmobile. For the meantime instead of the figure it's coming with.
ОтветитьA callback to the days when Hasbro/Kenner seemed absolutely allergic to making figures accurate to the comics, shows, and movies. Everything had to have weird colors and bizarre accessories because they were convinced that's what kids wanted. Future Knight Batman was part of that first wave of Batman Beyond figures, and it was the closest we could get to a screen-accurate figure from the show at the time.
They'd later produce a few figures that were a little more accurate to the show, but they had action features that got in the way of the figures' overall presentation. They even produced a Future Knight Batman variant a few years later for a line of figures tied to the direct-to-video movie Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker, but with black translucent plastic and the blade accessories were gold instead of silver.
That translucent blue was my 1st BB figure. It wasn't weird to me. I did wonder why didn't make it black. I'm still trying to find this at Target, doesn't help its one per case. And target is only sending one case
ОтветитьI need this in my life
ОтветитьSomeone at Macfarlane Toys wants my money.
ОтветитьCan someone explain why the regular version without the extra head still has a platinum sticker?
ОтветитьTarget DCPI #?
ОтветитьThis sort of stuff just makes me tired. I never saw the all-black version anywhere, I didn't jump through hoops to get Old Bruce, and I don't care about chasing this one either at this point. I'd just like an all-black Batman Beyond with a Terry headsculpt. I'd love to get an Old Bruce with Ace as well, have them all together, and call it done. But having to chase them across various stores and certain Platinum Gold Elite versions and exclusives and now resellers..... no.
ОтветитьI prefer the wings of the old one, but over all, hell I need it!
ОтветитьI'm sure this is a bit of a stretch but does anyone know how well the terry head from this fig would size with the previous non animated style beyond figs McFarlane did?
ОтветитьJust got mine today at Target.😓
ОтветитьI missed out on this