Sony Xperia X Performance Review & Impressions

Sony Xperia X Performance Review & Impressions


8 лет назад

163 Просмотров

Smartphones come with a lot of expectations. Sony’s move away from the Xperia Z, and some of the more outlandish specs delivered on the Z Premium, was advertised as an appeal to common sense smartphone computing. Sony was going to focus on what mattered, and that’s how the Xperia X was born.

This is an admirable goal, and we’ve praised many manufacturers which have taken a “back to basics” approach to manufacturing. Sony however faces an onslaught of competition from other top tier flagship devices, and from a new collection of budget busters aiming to deliver high end specs at mid-range prices. Sony walks a delicate tight rope act here, attempting to deliver a “smartphone for the masses” while still retaining a premium reputation.

Our Xperia coverage was interrupted by travel and the Note 7 announcement, so we’re circling back to make sure we do our due diligence in covering this company. The Xperia X Performance has a lot riding on its shoulders. Did Sony focus on the right features? Were the right pieces cut? Can a company compete on streamlining a device at the more expensive end of the market? In continuing the conversation, Juan spent the weekend using this phone as his daily driver, and while we wrap up the upcoming Real Camera Review, and the full phone review, we’ve got some early impressions to share.


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