How to get 20% off fees? | Binance Futures Referral Code

How to get 20% off fees? | Binance Futures Referral Code

Binances Club

54 года назад

2,759 Просмотров

💸MEXC PromoCode: mexc-binanceclub
🔗Link to MEXC:

💸 Binance Futures Referral Code: cbp6ygbh
📲Link to Binance:

In this video, we walk you through the simple steps to open a Binance Futures account and get started with trading. Learn how to use a Binance Futures referral code or referral ID to maximize your benefits and reduce trading fees.

0:00 - Introduction
0:16 - Special futures referral code
0:30 - What code gives
0:30 - Exchange with 0% fees
1:13 - Binance registration process
1:43 - Verification on Binance
2:15 - Opening a futures account on binance
2:44 - Binance futures test
2:58 - How to get full fees discount


#binance_futures_referral_code #binance_futures_account_open #open_futures_account_binance #open_binance_futures_account #futures_referral_code #futures_referral_id #binance_futures_referral_id #binance_futures_account #how_to_open_binance_futures_account
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