Dangers of wearing masks in the heat and humidity

Dangers of wearing masks in the heat and humidity


4 года назад

17,648 Просмотров

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@susangathor4104 - 15.02.2024 17:18

What if ... our human bone marrow is actually "time" crystals that re-manifests, while human blood "time crystals" re-manifest as consciousness?

@chrisem79 - 17.02.2024 20:32

What if . . . .time doesn't exist? What if . . . time is a human construct designed to assist understanding of the lineage of events? A human construct of an energetic file system?
What if your crystals are essentially circuit breakers regulating the flow of what is? Maintaining humanities' need for order and control?

@SuperRip7 - 22.04.2024 11:15

Why the stock images all the time?
