This is exactly what the world needs
I feel like after all of this, Rika hugged her clodsire just cause
ОтветитьI like to imagine Poppy is right behind the desk just playing with legos or something.
Ответитьgreat job
Ответить"oh this was intentional to see how serious you are about this"
ОтветитьI love your Singing Clodsire Series. If you need Ideas for future ones, I have a Great Idea that'll be perfect for this. (You don't have to accept it, I'm just wondering if you're interested.)
(It's a Song from a Pokemon Game, But it's not from Scarlet and Violet.)
yes, very serious interview indeed
ОтветитьOne time I was watching this on my switch, then when the first Clodsire started to sing the first note, the app closed due to an error. Goes to show how powerful Clodsire really is.
ОтветитьI love the glasses.
ОтветитьI'm not sure I could do the interview with all those guys singing in the back, I'd be ready to bust a gut laughing
ОтветитьI'm so glad I am using Clodsire for my latest run on Violet.
ОтветитьYou know, Rika's super gruff and grounded, but her entire team consists of goofy Ground-type animals from the first three generations. Like, she could have a Garchomp, Krookodile, Hippowdon, Mudsdale and even Palossand, all of them scary or tough. But her actual team is happy goofy Whiscash, dopey Camerupt, roly-poly Donphan, legendary meme Dugtrio, and C l o d s i r e .
Ответить"You're just gonna fail on purpose to see me and my singing Pokemon again, aren't you?"
*Me trying to hide a beaming smile * Yeah, how'd you know?
Shiney clod should be blue
ОтветитьListen to this in 2x speed
ОтветитьThat a clodsire
Ответить“Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll be back” is to funny
ОтветитьWell Rika was right, we did see her in the DLC
ОтветитьConfirmation: You can indeed invite Rika to BB Academy and battle her.
ОтветитьAdmire the sire
ОтветитьOMG this reminds me of distraction news, it's an old segment of a TV show I watched as a kid
ОтветитьAh yes, the hardest leg of becoming champion has just begun
ОтветитьGlad to know where the music came from
ОтветитьThe image of a dopey amphibian opening its mouth and producing an echoey staccato bell note is incredibly funny to me
ОтветитьThe matching glasses is so cute
Ответить"This is a very serious interview" woopers flying around in the back
ОтветитьLol this is just RIDICULOUS. In a GOOD way, but still. 😅
ОтветитьI love that even a year after this video was made we still can't rechallenge the elite four
Ответитьso i wasnt paying attention to the dialog for like half the thing and then I look down and see Rika telling me not to get distracted by the singing clodsires anymore. the timing of me looking down and seeing that, amazing
ОтветитьVery serious interview except she was the one getting interviewed lol. I failed the interview more times than I'd like to admit mixed up what type gym leaders used
ОтветитьClodsire was the evolution that Wooper deserved all along
ОтветитьI LOVE how Rika addresses the clodsires behind her.
ОтветитьUpdate here if you didn't already know: Rika, Geeta, and all the other Elite 4 members and Gym leaders return in The Indigo Disk DLC.
Ответить"Please don't be distracted by the singing Clodsires anymore"
Yeah sure let me also just run through this rain without getting wet.
the codsires and woopers make listening to the actual music better
ОтветитьI think we did pretty well I mean we turned the whole interview around onto her.
ОтветитьClodsire is a big dopey chocolate donut with a face and I love him for it
ОтветитьI thought the music in this scene was odd, now it makes sense!
ОтветитьI, clodsire, will be your interviewer
ОтветитьBy the way in the Italian trasletion Rika speaks with the Italian Roman accent
ОтветитьWooper is teleporting
ОтветитьRika: This is a very serious interview.
Rika's Clodsire: "puts on hipster glasses"
Sorry, too mainstream.
Rika: . . . What am I gonna do with you?
I love the shiny wooper in the background
ОтветитьI have never laughed at an interview in my life
ОтветитьThis gave me a nostalgia trip for Artix Entertainment games for some reason. The dialogue in this video would fit perfectly in one of their games.