Surgery for Your Knee Arthritis? Not So Fast! 8 Best Exercises (60 Sec Clip)

Surgery for Your Knee Arthritis? Not So Fast! 8 Best Exercises (60 Sec Clip)

Bob & Brad Clips

4 года назад

52 Просмотров

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@johanesterhuizen1842 - 24.08.2020 08:46

Why turn the tibia out , not in ?

@heinzkrupps5028 - 24.08.2020 09:05

😊!!I NEVER miss an episode of B&B!!💓

@lilimarlene7813 - 24.08.2020 09:12

Wish I could have seen this vid while I could still walk.

@oliviaginsbourg6541 - 24.08.2020 09:34

best information I ever heard thanks I like your new video setup white screen allow us to focus on your movements

@heinzkrupps5028 - 24.08.2020 09:34


@hanimymuse4569 - 24.08.2020 10:32

How many times a day we can do this?

@akibabe09 - 24.08.2020 10:41

I've had arthritis since my mid 30's and I'm now just 42, so this video will help me ☺️

@markusmeyer6391 - 24.08.2020 11:26

I get confused by this type of advice. If arthritis happens when the cartilage on the joints gets worn down, than isn't exercises and movement going to make it worse ? So why is it that exercises are always advised for this condition ?

@ful36 - 24.08.2020 12:30

Last year some doctors advised me for tkr. But I never got it done due to some reasons, I differed it and continuing knee exercises.
After watching your video, I think, I took right decision unknowingly. ha ha ha

@rubberbiscuit99 - 24.08.2020 14:47

I was in a lot of pain and had PT and Synvisc shots every six months. After I finished PT I started riding my $150 folding stationary bike for a minimum of 30 minutes every morning. With just that change I rarely have flares, and gave not needed Synvisc shots for nearly one year.

@joycefrisby4193 - 24.08.2020 15:34

I have had knee arthritis since I was about 25 Im 74 I had a LTKR 13 yrs ago what helped through the years was exercise .That is why I went so long before surgery ,I learned to
drive and that is when my knees got worst.

@Mr111871 - 24.08.2020 17:16

Thanks Good info. Do copper compression socks work for arthritis?

@stylistxxx - 24.08.2020 17:44

Just go WALK , WALK , walk trough the pain , loose weight take a little tumeric , litlle raw ginger , Collagen no IBUPROFEN no painkillers and knees will get strong and pain will go away ... but might take 1-2 years

@marlenekerrmarlene1259 - 24.08.2020 18:02

thank you as always =m k wis

@shakerasalar5404 - 24.08.2020 19:23

It’s very inspiring amazing excersise love 💕 it helps 👍

@shakerasalar5404 - 24.08.2020 19:25

I have knee pain very painful at nights sleepless night 😭

@nilagetter1705 - 24.08.2020 19:45

Just a little love to the knees can make a big difference!

@goodintentions1302 - 24.08.2020 20:26

😁 Single leg squats, no balance assistance, age 71. Yes, I am patting myself on the back. 😉 I have plenty of areas in my life that need improvement, it's just that health challenges, beginning at a very young age, inspired me to find answers, so good nutrition & exercise have been very important to me. I'm healthier now than I was 20 years ago. Yay!! 🥳

@deanmorier5353 - 24.08.2020 22:04

Thanks guys. My physical therapist did great work for me last year and these exercises were a big part of my recovery from a sports injury.

@watchfast1 - 24.08.2020 22:20

What do you recommend for a knee cap which moves out of position?

@allkindsamusicchick - 24.08.2020 23:15

I love you, I love you, I love you! Can you please fill us in on the origins of your 'theme' song????? I love it, I love you. All very informative instruction, Crack me UP!! (✿◠‿◠)

@AR_86 - 25.08.2020 03:04

Needed to see this, thanks. My knees started bothering me in the last couple years, I'm pretty sure it's arthritis. Mid 30s. But I know my doc will make me try physical therapy before anything else.

@ulrikedavidson8561 - 25.08.2020 03:17

I can do all the exercises - not glorious, but it's going without pain. What scares me are the crunch noises from my knees .....

@sarahbear9482 - 25.08.2020 13:50

Bob and Brad, the bend in your knees is typically called the ‘crook’.
Crook of knee, crook of elbow etc ... anyone else call it that or is it just a local vernacular?

@suekelley7801 - 27.08.2020 08:15

I get a lot of tightness behind the knee how do I work that out

@4sale713 - 27.08.2020 09:00

They remind me of the pitchmen on a 3am video.

@cstran3 - 31.08.2020 02:34

Thank you for including us who stand all day on the job. I will start the flex stretches right away.

@blissfulfaith2105 - 01.09.2020 03:02

Can you plz advise when operation happens? Does it hv to be severe or when one can't be able to function with severe pain?

@mags9991 - 01.09.2020 08:13

What if you have sharp pain when doing the bending knee exercise?.... not sure how much I should push it?

@dynamocanes - 02.09.2020 21:19

Great video Bob & Brad and we are glad you like the Prime Stick and Cyclone Cane (coming soon)!

@palomahealing5073 - 09.07.2021 08:06

Omg..thank u, guys you are actually saving me $160.00 a month of possibly going to Physical Therapy, which I could use on something else!😁

@ErikAitomatic - 30.08.2021 17:49

How about trying to clear your nose,

@cudupa60 - 26.09.2021 14:44

Want exercise for both knee arthritis n Maniscus tear

@CC-ys8qq - 24.11.2021 17:44

Arthritis is a general term for we don't know what's specifically wrong but you have pain so lets call it arthritis, why don't the docs try to specifically pinpoint this this and this is wrong and fix it?

@kcr4413 - 05.01.2022 00:01

What about a rowing machine for knee arthritis?

@robertlalor8090 - 02.03.2022 10:34

Thank you so much guys. This is making a huge difference. My x-ray report claims that my knee is "abnormal, but expected" "What???!!!", say I!!! No way am I relinquishing my spring-chicken status that easily. This and your other videos are tremendous gifts. My knee and I thank you from the bottom of my popliteal fossa.

@leilanifeliciano3131 - 07.03.2022 23:09

Is it a good idea to wrap the knee with bone on bone arthritis with a fitness wrap before working out?

@neelamsingh3389 - 19.03.2022 17:20

Why wait for surgery ? Even dr say not yet.why?

@Anthony-gq7dk - 19.06.2022 18:27

Wow , double crutches and she's back running , amazing ! Thanks for the brilliant videos , your biggest strength is the hope and positive attitude you have and how you impart it on the viewers.

@veronicavallespin8186 - 05.07.2022 17:53

I have a severe knee arthritis and make my disability

@nancyhoward7005 - 31.07.2022 11:54

Bob n Brad are awesomely Awesome 👌

@nancyhoward7005 - 23.08.2022 00:42

Thank you guys

@DearGod-e2f - 23.09.2022 20:51

I had a accident two months ago that resulted in me dislocated my ankle but I have had some pains to my right knee and it does not look normal compare to my left night. I visited an orthopedic doctor and he said there’s nothing wrong with my knee but I don’t think he’s right. He did X-ray comparing the two knees but my the injure knee looks swollen but will significantly less pains expect I try to bend it in a certain way. Could you please help me diagnose my problem doctor.

@user-og5pk4dw1z - 27.09.2022 19:57

Thank you guys. Any suggestions to take care of mild swelling above both the knees ?

@peite7878 - 16.03.2023 17:57

Great I need to do these "fun" exercises more. I'm 37 and I just put my hand between my knee and press hard for 10 sec every morning and then do some kicking. I heard anti-inflammatory food is important too. Hopefully there is some herb that proves good. Maybe mixing turmeric (if it has curcumin in it) and some ginger powder and lemon juice in water is good?

@bethcares17anonymous38 - 23.04.2023 22:44

So grateful for u two❤🎉

@jillv4006 - 17.06.2023 03:11

What if you have a meniscus tear in the same knee with the arthritis? I’m scared to twist it with that meniscus tear. What I’m dealing with the most right now is swelling in that kneecap.

@mkkrupp2462 - 01.07.2023 07:30

You are both providing a wonderful service for people around the world who are in pain. What a fantastic legacy!
