Hexagons are the Bestagons

Hexagons are the Bestagons

CGP Grey

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@allstar930 - 12.07.2017 07:30

To anybody here because your U-turn is humming, pause this video and try using different RCA cables. I had a horrible hum and panicked, even thought it was the Grado cart. Not expecting anything, I tried different RCA cables and that's all it took stop the hum.

@alansmithee4895 - 21.01.2018 06:06

Just plugged in my new U-turn orbit Plus and it is humming like a mofo and I cannot get it to stop. Big bummer. 😣😢😭

@michaelwesolowski1065 - 24.02.2018 22:19

BINGO! U-Turn Orbit to numerous preamps - lots of hummmmmmmm. Just copied your idea of placing a separate ground wire from the preamp ground screw (none from TT to preamp on Orbit) and attaching it via alligator clip to a coaxial plug (got lucky and had one right next to power outlets for audio system). Worked like a champ - thanks!

@chromebull884 - 03.03.2018 06:20

What if you have a humming noise that has a definite pitch that sounds like it is coming from a clarinet and you have no preamp!

@GameThruz - 09.05.2018 15:00

I have the same problem with a cheap chinese valve preamp. When I touch the case the hum is reduced significantly. Would a ground loop isolator fix this? Also what else can you use to ground it? I don't think I have anything.

@nascarsimracing1 - 18.07.2018 06:15

My problem was that my turntable has a preamp built in, but I had it connected to an amplifier going to my speakers. So the hum was bc I had the turntable volume super low, and it normally has a super quiet hum you normally can't hear. So my amp was greatly amplifying the sound from the already amplified turntable, so the normally super quiet hum from the turntable was amplified to the point that it was very loud and annoying. So if none of the steps in this video fix your problem, I guarantee your problem is bc you are using an amplifier with a turntable that already has an amp built in and is meant to be directly connected to speakers.

@29moons - 22.07.2018 20:24

Thanks so much! I found the green ground wire on my BIC 940 and connected it to the tuner case. Buzz is gone and garage sale find Pink Floyd, The Wall sounds amazing.

@Beeraltar - 30.09.2018 07:03

I pass a piece of metal were the ground is. Lots of static noise came out of the speakers and then no more hum. Completely fixed the problem.

@connorm955 - 04.12.2018 06:29

It's the motor actually. I have a slqd33

@AmericanConstellation - 20.01.2019 01:57

When you discuss this hum...at what volume are you talking about? I've got an Adcom GFA555 high current amp hooked up to some huge speakers. I can hear a hum when I turn the volume up halfway, which would blow the roof off of my house while playing music.

@nicknickb - 10.06.2019 21:41

Fixed it! The tonearm wasnt connected properly to the counterweight. Thats 2 hours down the drain 🙃

@fredjohnson9856 - 14.10.2019 21:25

I have experienced two things causing hum with my turntable lately; halogen lighting close to the turntable and a headshell not properly seated.

@squeekycheese - 16.10.2019 16:49


@MrAndreferrari - 28.10.2019 03:03

My amp has a grounding connector, the turntable has a grounding cord.
The high buzzing comes only from the right channel.
I checked the wires from head shell and so forth.
I just bought this TT. With his original worn off mc cartridge it wasn't noticeable until level 6 volume.
When I put three body of my m97xe the right channel dinky goes crazy.

Can't find a good technician in my city. May need to return it.

@mr.joshua204 - 28.12.2019 03:55

Adventure is in my asshole

@mccarthyd6603 - 08.01.2020 01:39

Or just stay away from purchasing a Grado cartridge....

@georgeanastasopoulos5865 - 21.01.2020 06:29

Okay, but on most turntables, of the 1980s anyway, there is a ground wire that is attached with the left, right RCA cables.

@bareknuckles2u - 24.06.2020 10:15

I have to be honest: I knew what the problem would be even before I clicked on the video. I just like this guy's videos so much that I wanted to enjoy 91 seconds of him solving the problem!

@PB-kd6wj - 19.07.2020 18:18

Fantastic, grounding was my issue. Thank you.

@bigzayzay1 - 12.08.2020 02:52

If anyone doesn’t have the copper wire he has, I used a bit of speaker wire and wrapped it around a couple of times and the humming went down significantly. I don’t think it’s 100% gone but I’d say 90% at least improved.

@brentonturner1080 - 12.08.2020 13:40

I have a Rega Planar 1 Plus that has a built in preamp with no grounding capabilities. Hooked up to active speakers, it's making the same noise. Any ideas? TIA

@ADRIAN-uy1ej - 20.10.2020 06:55

I have a hum who can help me solve the problem lol
Okay so i have a record player with no built in-preamp so I have an external one, the output to the preamp goes into a mixer and the mixer has a master output which I have an rca to aux cable and that is connected to some dell speakers, the mixer is a usb one so I try to record some vinyl in fl studio but it has the hum how can I fit this

@gilbertcerny7416 - 22.02.2021 01:19

This trick does work, the issue I had was my receiver and turntable had built up a static charge that caused a loud hum and static snap in the speakers, at first I thought it was a turntable ground issue, I made up a ground wire and added it along with the turntable ground, it corrected the issue.

@raycimbalnik5159 - 26.03.2021 15:39

I have a hum problem but it comes and goes,if I touch the grounding post on turntable or the cables that go to my active speakers it gets better but still there,then it just stops. Some days its there as soon as I turn it on,other days I can listen to 4 or 5 records before it starts. My turntable is grounded to a phono preamp built in to the active speakers. Also,alot of the time it starts when I clean my stylus with a brush. It gets worse when I touch my headshell wires or disconnect the ground altogether. Any ideas? I'm lost on this one

@abug4pc - 26.05.2021 03:51

tried everything but still humming, turntable connected to rca with ground to pro-ject phono box with rca ground then rca output aux

@mrvik97 - 29.07.2021 00:50

For me it was the copper wire, with the last cartrige it sounded fine even without attaching, but now with ortofon new one it does, and i totally forgot about the wire, now its fine. Thanks :D

@manchesterexplorer8519 - 31.07.2021 02:54

If your experiencing hum at high volumes its likely caused by vibration and the Stylus picks it up . My simple solution was to place some memory foam down and rest the feet of my record player on it ....problem solved.

@vincentnapoleon5737 - 04.01.2022 19:36

I have a U-turn Audio TT, and my problem is that the motor itself is causing the extra hum. No amount of grounding seems to help, as the vibrations are coming from the motor itself. I actually have 2 U-turns, an older model when they first came out, then a new one from a few months ago, and the new one is the problem. I can even put my hand on the front of the turntables, and the older one does not generate as much vibrations, but the new one I can feel the difference. Is there any way to reduce the hum from the motor itself? I can readjust the motor a bit with its rubber casing...can I add insulation or something like that? Or is the motor itself just loud? (WD-40??)

@davidmcneil8686 - 09.02.2022 13:04

Thanks for the vid, was getting a 60hz hum from my deck. Turns out the sub from my system was a little to close to my deck ( DUH ) re arranged my set up and the hum is gone. :D

@scatteredfrog - 18.03.2022 03:17

My turntable came with a pair of RCAs that have an embedded grounding cable. Grounding cable is connected from turntable to pre-amp's ground port. That eliminated the 120hz hum, but I still have a random 60hz hum. The hum stays when I power off the turntable, but goes away if I actually unplug the power cable from the turntable. I've found that if I hold the power cable in certain positions, the 60hz hum goes from slightly quieter to absolutely inaudible, but eventually the hum comes back. Turntable is about as far away from the amp as possible without needing to extend the RCA cables (which you don't want to do -- you're just asking for more interference!)...

@josephpiedmonte - 30.04.2022 13:41

I kind of feel stupid, I'd been dealing with a grounding hum on and off since I got my orbit basic in 2015... yeah, and it would come and go. I always thought it was an issue with the table being grounded through the rca. Well, I have the same exact preamp and after doing this - problem solved. I've come to realize that I was never hearing the full potential of this table because of the preamp ground hum which led to horrible static. I guess I'm still learnding.

@saltech3444 - 11.12.2022 20:20

I have this exact hum on my Rega P1. I have the following setup: P1 --> Art DJ Pre II --> Aux In on front of Sony Mini Hi Fi CD player (MHC-ECL77BT, which I am using as an amp). The hum goes up drastically when I touch the back of the tonearm.
I have tried creating a ground wire from the back of the Art DJ to the chassis of the CD player. I also tried attaching the ground wire to a bit of metal furniture. Neither worked.
My next intention is to try to create a ground wire from the spindle housing of the P1 (the copper pipe looking thing sticking out the bottom) to the preamp, and if that doesn't work from the spindle housing of the P1 to the chassis of the CD player.
I strongly suspect that using the Aux In of the CD player as an amplifier is not very good for grounding.
I have also heard of attaching a ground wire from the spindle housing to the ground plug of a power socket, but I would be terrified of electrocuting myself since I dont know how to do that.

@jakeheath1904 - 27.05.2023 00:10

I’m having this issue with my Uturn orbit it has a built-in preamp. I’m getting a 60 Hz hum. When I touch the metal edge of the RCA output on the turntable and touch the metal backing on my speaker it slightly goes away but not completely. Any tips or advice thanks
