ОтветитьI'm trying to get the Overkill wildcard bus rn the loadout I use is useless
ОтветитьA contract gives you 100xp, same as a kill, so completely useless.. Area99 works best in my opinion to get kills.
ОтветитьBro so sad they nerfed contract xp ....
Ответитьthis is useless
ОтветитьJust go in plunder , old town and rock
Ответитьif you activate tokens in warzone , then go to multiplayer they work for multiplayer
ОтветитьIf you prestige do the guns in Warzone from Bo6 stay or do they reset also
ОтветитьIf I prestige will I lock the new smg again?
Ответитьim confused so should i just do resurgence
ОтветитьIts dumb that they nerfed the xp in plunder..some of us dont want to buy bo6 and play zombies..treyarch is pushing us to buy that bo6 its hard to getl2-3 levels in 1 game for a gun
Ответитьwait...i thought you were a Chiefs fan!? Also, this new WZ could be the worst game I've ever played.
ОтветитьHoly yappatron get to the point
ОтветитьHe spoke facts fk plunder just play actual games get to the end you'll get your guns done
ОтветитьSo basically just play the game..
ОтветитьIsn’t bootcamp really good for leveling up
ОтветитьThe tokens saved me...had over 30 hours double xp and 45 hours double weapon xp 💪💪
ОтветитьBro said a whole lot of nothing
ОтветитьHad a double weapon xp token last night, dropped 13 kills with the same gun, and got almost zero gun xp lol played the entire night and only went up one level. L.
ОтветитьYou talked for 5 minutes and explained nothing….
Ответить'get kills with gun', what a video thanks for your secrets
ОтветитьHow do I get that gun skin you are using
Ответитьyou are speaking very politely about contracts.. they are absolute garbage atm
ОтветитьJust watch the first couple of minutes of your video I am a crap player but I can't believe the simple kills that I've just seen you get doesn't exist in my game so what's going on with with you're game I'm finding it unplayable I'm really ready to pack up the game I loved war zone 3 but this is doing my head in lol
ОтветитьSo how do I rank up my battle pass supper fast tho
Ответитьi just got 33 kills in plunder with only xm4 i got 4 lvl on the gun but only 1 rank up?? i'm gonna cry
Ответитьmost useful 49ers fan
Ответитьwtf did i just watch
Ответитьthe new warzone sucks. good content though
ОтветитьU get the same amount of xp per elimination to what you do opening a crate in warzone bro it’s basically nothing 😂
ОтветитьGet to the fucking point bro god dam
ОтветитьWhat dous "playing warzone" mean??? I got into the free DMZ because of a buddy, now I bought WZII cause of multiplayer, but this game has so much parts WZ 1 2 3, BO 1/6 multiplayers / DMZ .... I am lost.... ??!!
ОтветитьNoti gang