100,000 Impressions On fiverr- Tweak Your Gigs!

100,000 Impressions On fiverr- Tweak Your Gigs!

Mike Nardi

55 лет назад

106,357 Просмотров

My most profitable gig on fiverr has accumulated over 140,000 impressions, almost 5000 clicks, over 9000 views, and over 110 orders in the last six months... are your fiverr gigs getting this same level of visibility? They can, and they should!

In this video I talk about the importance of tweaking and modifying your gigs over time; why experimenting with your gig keywords, gig descriptions, and packaging and pricing is so important in figuring out fiverr's algorithm and ranking highly on fiverr search!

Links to the videos I mentioned:
Best Fiverr Gigs To Sell for $50- https://youtu.be/dk8qi2reqRI
What Should You Sell On Fiverr?- https://youtu.be/IMS6qO_at4E
How To Create A Fiverr Gig That Sells- https://youtu.be/tYCphYZca0M

05:41 - Focus Keywords for my main gig

Please like, comment, and subscribe if this video was helpful!

Music by Joakim Karud http://youtube.com/joakimkarud

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