Was the game inspired by Overcooked? It seems like the similarity to that game might've thrown off interested buyers as well .
An idea might be good but if it's too similar to a game players already know and love, they might not want to buy it.
Anyone knows if we have to spend 100$ for every game or is one pay for all your games that you want to publish?
ОтветитьWhat I'm saying goes against the grain, but it needs to be said. The marketing isn't the problem in your case, you're overestimating the appeal of your game. The scenes from PunchABunch feature varied boss mechanics, interesting backgrounds, a dynamic camera, some neat visual effects and beautiful lighting. Seeing the game makes you want to play it. Kitchen Chaos has plain textures that have been dropped in without any thought. Where is the dirt and grime that makes the place look used and real? Why are there no doors/windows in this kitchen or rest of the building? All of these scenes feature the player doing the exact same action, telling the viewer to expect repetitive gameplay requiring both no skill and no meaningful choices to be made.
ОтветитьI think the fact they are also fundamentally different games played a big part too. Your second game looks very simple, the boxing one on the other hand has at least characters that have character and looks satisfying to play with all the screen effects etc.
Ответитьhow tf should i market my drawing software which is gonna be free?
ОтветитьDon't you think that it has also to do with the fact that this game is "just" a copy paste of Overcooked? I say that with all possible kindness but if I was to browse Steam and found your game, I would simply have thought "well, that's just another Overcooked, been there, done that". Good videos and channel though 🙂
ОтветитьI get that kitchen chaos was a development tutorial which is nice but the reason I feel it didnt do very well is cause the game plate up already exists which is basically the exact same thing that has been out for over a year longer
ОтветитьBro , your kitchen game is the most boring concept ever, already used 1000times. Ofcourse the boxing 1 to but its way more unique.
ОтветитьHow much did you game kitchen chaos made ?
Ответитьkitchen chaos just looks like a overcooked clone
ОтветитьHuh, neat to see the punching game actually got finished, I saw a video on the developer's channel about it a long time ago, he tried switching from UE4 to unity, then I think he switched back to UE4.
ОтветитьFor all the free high quality help you have given us, I sincerely hope that your game succeeds, you deserve it
ОтветитьI want to make my game better in the little time I have, not learn and work on becoming a video editor/influencer/marketing strategist ;_; Thats what publisher are for i guess...
ОтветитьI heard a couple years ago that games under a publisher's/developer's account can affect the visibility of other games under the same account. So if you release a game and it completely flops it can lower the visibility on your previous titles. I'm talking purely from a steam algorithm's standpoint not from players clicking on the developer and searching through there. Do you know if this is true? Did you notice any hits on your previous titles when you released this one?
Ответитьkitchen chaos failed because its a copy of... overcooked... overcooked 2... plateup...
Ответитьyour game is like overcooked
ОтветитьPlus the game is just a overcooked clone.
ОтветитьTWL actually sounds awesome. I play turn based crpgs and games like total war as well as games like 7 days to die, valheim etc with my homies. A sort of combination sounds sick. Def going to try it
ОтветитьNot gonna lie, the game looks like Overcooked😂
Ответитьidk why but your videos are just entertaining, and i love it :)
Ответитьbut its free? lol
ОтветитьI do really like the job you doing with tutorials etc. it's extremely helpful. According what you said about failure you have missed like the most important thing this game looks like completely clone of game called "Overcooked" that's maybe a reason when ppl see something so similar they don't wanna try it.
Ответитьhow to save a steam launch fail: make a video about your failed game with atleast a couple 100k subs lol
good vid tho
Could the title be "What a FAILED Steam launch looks like... for a game which was set up for failure" as evidenced by the description "NOTE: This is a learning project...", i.e. clearly not an earnest attempt to make money?
ОтветитьBoring boring pls add some editing in your video
ОтветитьJust a honest pointout. the game that has players has an unique twist to it. your game genre has always been boring and the market is flooded with games like that. Simpler games can be good but its the unique twists on them that make them good. take for example soda dungeon 2. Its like a whole unique thing of its own. Why would anyone want to play a worse copy of a game.
ОтветитьYour game is not a failure.
I have played it for only a few minutes but it has made me want to watch your guides and make my own game when I have some time on my hands.
While I somewhat agree on the marketing side of things, I have to say that in most cases a great product / game sells itself once it has been tried out by a few happy customers
I've been watching the videos but I absolutely do not feel enticed to playing the game
I guess the tricky part is how do you market to people who aren't within the indie "ecospace"? Only way I hear about smaller games is if I specifically subscribe to newsletters, YT channels, and subreddits. I guess word of mouth works best in that case, or if you have a big advertising budget, ads.
ОтветитьGreat video! Thanks for sharing the importance of wishlists
Ответитьdo you think steam greenlight is better for indie dev?
ОтветитьSteam release options question.
Is it worth doing EA if the game is already at release state? Would you do that for your games?
I was kinda sad when i saw the title, i've been following the tutorial you are doing in these videos and they are just so good, i'm loving your work.
Anyway, íve wishlisted the both total liberation and the dinky guardian, hope this helps =)
Super fun game my daughther loves it but could we have an option with no or a much longer timer because it's too hard!
ОтветитьMaybe it failed cos it wasn`t stupid enough.
ОтветитьMy Indie Steam game will be releasing soon. Thanks for the insights
ОтветитьYep my game flopped hard! Only sold 3 copies.
ОтветитьI love your videos, if it wasn't for this failure I wouldn't have learned professional game dev. I will be making my own indie game and launching on steam soon. thanks hugo ))
ОтветитьFace of a Sigma, voice of a Monkey.
Ответитьrecently my game is just in WIP kind of ruins (dumps of code and assets). When I get to the beta phase I will push it.
ОтветитьI just make games for me and my kids. Not looking to make a living. The market is so saturated with small indie games. I think with AI becoming more of a thing the list of games will keep growing making it harder for the little guys.
ОтветитьYa that happened with my game just now! I didnt think of marketing at all, just wanted to do a game.