It's Urgent: Why Weightlifting Can't Wait Any Longer

It's Urgent: Why Weightlifting Can't Wait Any Longer

The Roadman Podcast

1 год назад

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@williammartin9450 - 06.09.2023 22:50

Ruined it for me when he tries to normalize the toxic Armstrong and that whole era in cycling. Meh!

@chefjonsf - 07.09.2023 02:26

Mr. Friel helped me get through my first ever triathlon at age 30 over 12 years ago. His training guidance got me first place in the swim, and I didn’t even know how to swim throughout my first half of the training year. He will always have a special place in my life, and its very refreshing to see him still alive and well. Subscribed!

@kapapatence6423 - 07.09.2023 03:38

Thanks for the great interview. As I begin riding more and more at age 68, keeping diabetes at bay. But not sure what to eat during a 3 hour ride. Dr says carbs as I will burn them off.....then protein after the ride. I will see if this works out for me.....I am thankful that I have already began lifting weights as well. Cheers!

@jasonpecoraro2625 - 07.09.2023 04:37

Thanks so much for this interview! Great work

@MalcolmTroon - 07.09.2023 21:58

A friend who is a national-class age-group runner (he is in his late 70s and I am 58) swears by deep tissue massage and he has used massage for decades. Does anyone else have an opinion on massage?

@nitemunky76 - 08.09.2023 14:42

"The Midlife Cyclist" book by Phil Cavell is another excellent companion to this discussion.

@poopy_pants_joe1194 - 09.09.2023 17:10

Cyclists a messed up people. They're NOT healthy but more like feeble children with broken bodies.

@Stevehatesgravel - 10.09.2023 09:45

I started racing at 13 years old I am now 70 and still ride my bike about 200 miles a week for fun I’m not racing anymore I don’t need to put my body under unnecessary stress. More American mumbo jumbo

@TheAntoine191 - 12.09.2023 17:03

I've known fit elderly people that exercised everyday and they often disappear like that. One day you see them riding and smiling and the next day they are gone. Obvioulsy it's not 100% and you can trail many illness as you age but still a pretty good way to live ones life with some luck and obviously a lot of dedication.

@JB-uv4hm - 13.09.2023 15:07

There are no shortcuts. That’s why few want to follow Friel.

@laneromel5667 - 13.09.2023 20:38

I purchased a new bike in 1971, never seen the need to get a new bike until now. My wife wants less clutter, so I am selling my old bikes, getting a new Titanium bike with 3 wheel sets. The new bike has the same geometry as my 71 bike, extremely comfortable.

@lihtan - 14.09.2023 23:32

Amazing info! Thank for having a conversation on this topic!

@94cdnm3 - 16.09.2023 18:01

My suggestion is to add mountain biking to maintain/add upper body muscle mass. Check out the difference between top level enduro/downhill mountain bikers to top level road racers physical build.

@brentkjernisted2215 - 17.09.2023 06:38

Where can I purchase the Fast Raptor 50 book? Thanks

@brentkjernisted2215 - 17.09.2023 06:45


@mfh6982 - 18.09.2023 04:24

I have been a sports physician for 34 years and a competitive cyclist and skier for many of those years. I have been a physician and performance coach for the USOTC Colorado Springs. Joe Friel is the very best.

@jamieatkinson9288 - 18.09.2023 14:22

Im happy at 57 years of age ripping up the road, 335 watts for 10-20 minutes, gained huge leg muscle strength when combining cycling with Olympic lifting. qamd never forgetting upper body shoulder , arms and back rows

@linesided - 19.09.2023 17:38

@robertragon8904 - 21.09.2023 23:09

You don’t quit cycling when you get old, you get old when you quit cycling.

@Guitar6ty - 22.09.2023 18:30

I have ridden a bike for most of my life mainly going to and from work carried on cycling after I retired but when I got to 71 I decided to go electric as the hills were sucking the enjoyment out of cycling. Pedal assist is superb and keeps my cycling at age 73. Its no good being the fittest man in the grave yard. I cycle when I feel like preferably on nice sunny days and usually do 12 to 13 miles over very hilly terrain and thanks to the bike being an electric mountain bike I really enjoy it.

@independentmind1977 - 26.09.2023 17:47

Joe is a living legend. His Triathlete Training Bible took me through my Tri career, and now that I'm getting back into fitness in my mid 40's I'm looking at him again to get myself together after battling depression and recovery from Alcohol addiction (yeah it's been an interesting ride.) Thanks for uploading this very timely video! This was a gift to me.

@fredboudreaux9663 - 03.10.2023 04:48

By far one of my favorite episodes! I'm 52 and trying to get back into shape. His message hit home hard.

@danielhunt2510 - 03.10.2023 14:16

I’m 50 this month and really respect Joes training advice. The only thing I’m not really an advocate of is this push for high protein which seems to have become kind of obsessive in the fitness industry. I became full vegan 4 years ago on a high carb low fat and seen tremendous results without even thinking about protein. I read Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis recently which is an eye opener. Additionally as an example being 85kg and trying to hit approx 125g of protein, that would be around 17-20 eggs (each egg having 6g of protein). As a critical thinker don’t you think that’s a bit extreme and humans aren’t really designed to consume that amount. I do understand that nutrition is a real trigger and highly contentious though.

@Darragh_7 - 04.10.2023 19:42

Fair play to you @roadman cycling. you get great guests on

@financeandpoliticstoday - 05.10.2023 07:42

He looks amazing for someone over 70. Most people are wrinkled fat bulbs after 70.

@financeandpoliticstoday - 05.10.2023 07:58

Everything he says is spot on! Treat strength training like brushing your teeth. 🦷 I drive my son to soccer practice three times a week and do strength training with weights while he’s playing soccer. So my plan is simple. Weight training three times a week and cycling three times a week with one being vo2 max or interval and the rest being zone 2.

@financeandpoliticstoday - 05.10.2023 08:00

How do you get more protein without also adding more fat? Most protein rich foods also have a lot fat in it.

@tedecker3792 - 10.10.2023 05:55

I just turned 76 and mountain bike every single day. My town is known for mountain biking and the climate allows for riding year around.

@RockbarCycling-qk1ju - 17.10.2023 00:05

40 years should focus on comparing results to 40 years olds. Even though some can compete with 20 year olds, that makes no sense outside of maybe having more experience. That's why there are are divisions. Swimming is great for upper body. That's why triathlons were created.

@Foxtrottangoabc - 09.12.2023 19:12

Buy a new bike every year it 👍

@heinrichkleist3473 - 21.02.2024 04:56

Regarding declining V02 max, the good news is that V02 max is also declining for everyone else you're racing against in your age category, so why worry?

@SamuelBlackMetalRider - 19.03.2024 23:03

I’m 42. I ride ~20/25 hours per week. I hope i will still be able to ride 10/15 hours when I turn 80!! So encouraging

@55Reever - 18.04.2024 01:28

67 and doing my version of "cross training". Walking and riding. I have done some pretty intense weight training in the past but at my age I'm going to modify what I use to do. What Mr. Friel says make so much sense, great interview Anthony.

@crazypaulinquebec - 20.04.2024 03:40

Yes...but as Joe says just riding is better than watching TV and eating sugar! Hey, as you get older, ride easy and have fun!!

@18snej - 23.04.2024 20:10

Så bra

@pierrex3226 - 09.05.2024 12:44

So it all boils down to buying a new bike every year. I knew it.

@leaf1829 - 24.05.2024 20:19

Final advice, Healthspan vs Lifespan, suffer 1 min vs suffer 30 years. Love it. Best encouragement to keep training.

@A7Dave777 - 03.06.2024 12:50

Spot on. I really didn't feel much fitness loss till I hit 60, but since then have realized I'm losing muscle mass unless I fight against it. I've had to increase my weight bearing exercise to maintain my (normal) muscle mass. Bought Mr Friel's book when I hit 60 and have taken his advice to heart. I'm in better shape now than in my 40s.

@danielrussell9416 - 24.06.2024 22:57

At 63 I have been riding and racing for over 50 years. I have always trained the same way. Two days of intensity; a fast group ride, intervals or hill repeats. The other days are Zone 2 that I do alone. The big difference is that I take two days a week off the bike. Not as fast as I used to be, but I still enjoy it as much as ever. Hopefully I have many years left to ride.

@DanCave - 02.07.2024 11:24

What a great podcast.. echo's some of my own experiences as a 52 year old and some other folks who i help in their fifties and sixties. Im really glad Joe mentioned the increase in protein, I wish i'd taken notice of this when i was younger as I'd been much faster.

@DanCave - 02.07.2024 11:30


@DanCave - 02.07.2024 11:30

Super Thanks made. Great content.

@williampalacio8369 - 28.07.2024 19:42

Joel, do you have a training program? Thanks.

@aintnobodygottime4dat - 18.08.2024 21:59

He's 80!?.....Wow!!

@JohnS-g8c - 26.08.2024 08:38

Great content 👌

@jamesedwalsh - 27.10.2024 14:35

I hit my 5 min peak at 41, 400watts @ 66kg. Now Im 50, train less due to family and work, but 250km in to the Mallorca 312 this year I jumped on a fast train and hit 350w for about 7 minutes. Im sure genetics play a part but this showed me if I trained the same as a few years back I'd probably land close to the same power. Cool vid, thanks @Roadman !

@bobcrumley5767 - 17.03.2025 21:49

Not a word about the need for us older riders to rest and recover! He is a former racer who has been riding since infant hood! Most of us were/are career guys and gals whose bodies can’t take 12-17 hours a week!! I really wish this podcast had been more toward us normal riders and not a former pro and then amateur racer…. But, that said, I have subscribed to your channel long ago and will continue to listen.
