You're the best kap, you have the most clean gameplay in rebirth, congratulations for your ability and don't stop to bring new gameplays for us :)
ОтветитьWhat country are you from kap
ОтветитьYou are a beast!
ОтветитьNoti gang
ОтветитьInsane 😮😮
ОтветитьNice vid!!
ОтветитьLove the AS 44 as an smg, deletes people but I don't build it for hipfire
ОтветитьBro said “man” 10+ times in the intro lmao. Na but nothing but love kap keep up the grind
ОтветитьKap how you so good
ОтветитьAnother great vid keep up king 👑
ОтветитьWhen we gunna see a hand cam on the sticks
ОтветитьI need to watch your video so much to night
Ответить@Kxpture can you rate my latest rebirth island highlight reel?
Ответитьtry the type 100 it has gung ho
ОтветитьCan you make a amax smg vid it goes crazy for me
ОтветитьTry it with recoil booster
ОтветитьKark98 class?
ОтветитьIt gives me anxiety when he doesn’t pick up a kill streak…
ОтветитьNão adianta tu apavora
Ответитьits hip fire is aaaaaass
Ответитьwhat in the fucking bots man , get yo american lobbyes ass outa here
ОтветитьWhy so rude towards teammate?
ОтветитьYou should use the Pine Tar rear grip and the 3rd Mag option G, clean gameplay though, smashing it!
ОтветитьWhats up Kap! I think the AS44 is more suited as a clean Sniper Support. The damage is insane and you should be able to manage the recoil with ease. Also the NZ-41 is a nice sniper Support.
ОтветитьBro look at the chat 70% of the time and 30% the game and still getting 25+ kills
ОтветитьMight aswell say "every vanguard gun is broken"
ОтветитьNice vid!
ОтветитьDude every gun is op when you use them
ОтветитьKap is such a dirty fkn cheat... hahaha kidding papa love you keep showing up who the real rebirth king is 😋 can’t wait to see rebirth tourneys
ОтветитьEres el mejor, anoche te enfrente durante tu stream, te mate y luego me mataste después, fue lo mejor, saludos ❤️
ОтветитьWith your mouth closed, you are a poet!
ОтветитьYou're using the wrong barrel .. that's why it's not feeling good
ОтветитьCan you do a settings video please Daddy
ОтветитьHOW DO THEY HAVE IT ALL MAXED OUT?!??! like omggg, level 70!! so many hours man, every weapon!!! EACH ONE OF THEM.... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
Ответитьyo Kap! try running the Itra Burst, shits fire with the right attachments
ОтветитьIn the bunker there is a milani blueprint, all u gotta do is pick up the milano and u get the blueprint just like that
ОтветитьWhy no Pine Tar grip? It’s specifically for hip fire
ОтветитьNew drinking game. Take a shot every time he says “man”
ОтветитьNICE VID haa
ОтветитьGet it
ОтветитьEsta buena
Ответитьbest kar player in the game 😮💨
ОтветитьBro you do not have the right build for the best hip fire on that
ОтветитьLet´s gooooooooooooooo
ОтветитьThe ppsh is better in my recommendation