
AS-350 Ecureuil demo flight over Tisza River, Szolnok 360HeliAdventures 140,598 5 лет назад
NOTAR helicopter startup and take off at Oakdale, CA 360HeliAdventures 13,700 1 год назад
RARE Mi-1 helicopter startup #shorts #helicopter #mi1 #radialengine 360HeliAdventures 39,786 1 год назад
Old Russian Kamov helicopter spraying forest #shorts 360HeliAdventures 1,345,677 2 года назад
Crop Duster flying low #shorts 360HeliAdventures 72,605 2 года назад
SkyCrane fighting with fire in Sicily #shorts 360HeliAdventures 17,770 1 год назад
M18 Dromader sprayin #shorts 360HeliAdventures 105,653 1 год назад
Impressive pilot skills #shorts 360HeliAdventures 447,796 2 года назад
Dangerous helicopter job #shorts 360HeliAdventures 636,827 2 года назад
Mil Mi-24 demo flight practice over Tisza River, Szolnok 360HeliAdventures 71,872 5 лет назад
Italian Super Scooper fighting with fire in Sicily #shorts 360HeliAdventures 17,649 2 года назад
Tom Cruise lands his helicopter at London Heliport 360HeliAdventures 72,875 3 года назад