Alex Turner Phrases

Alex Turner once said... *iconic moments* alexturnerismys&xuality 234,341 4 года назад
Alex Turner being Alex Turner for 4 minutes and 41 seconds straight milk cookies 1,377,660 4 года назад
Arctic Monkeys' Slang Lessons tibreloaded 1,162,387 13 лет назад
alex turner once said emelita 110,955 4 года назад
alex turner changing the words to songs (part 1) biggie smols 92,337 6 лет назад
How Alex Turner Twists Cliches into Unique Lyrics SongWriters Chop Shop 34,646 2 года назад
alex turner fails ghost cookie 845,477 5 лет назад
compilation of alex turner saying 'me' instead of 'my' ghost cookie 78,543 5 лет назад
alex turner best moments part 2 Kylee Alice 114,192 4 года назад
Alex Turner Quotes quotetank 1,683 13 лет назад
Learn Alex Turner's British Accent (ARCTIC MONKEYS) | YORKSHIRE Eat Sleep Dream English 732,325 4 года назад
pov: alex turner is your english teacher ghost cookie 182,528 3 года назад
A Choice of Three - Alex Turner (Full Version with words) Laurabug123 303,048 15 лет назад
a compilation of alex turner (sorta) interrupting songs ghost cookie 81,176 3 года назад
alex turner can't remember the fking words alinzz 18,642 6 лет назад
alex turner changing the words to songs (part 2) biggie smols 104,257 6 лет назад
ALEX TURNER ACCENT CHALLENGE Arctic Turner 141,484 4 года назад
alex turner acting out the words to songs biggie smols 91,691 6 лет назад
Alex Turners many stage phrases Supercut Isaac Blackmore 48 7 лет назад