Azure Development

Azure Developer Associate (AZ-204) — Full Course Pass the Exam! 538,787 2 года назад
Azure DevOps Tutorial for Beginners | CI/CD with Azure Pipelines TechWorld with Nana 1,415,566 2 года назад
Top 5 Azure developer tools | Azure This Week A Cloud Guru 1,468 2 года назад
Azure App Service (Web Apps) Tutorial Adam Marczak - Azure for Everyone 360,968 5 лет назад
Azure Space and Loft Orbital – Advancing Space Development Microsoft Azure 6,144 1 год назад
Harness the Power of Azure Cloud Builds from Development to Deployment Microsoft Game Dev 1,051 2 года назад
How to use Microsoft Azure AI Studio and Azure OpenAI models Adrian Twarog 146,885 9 месяцев назад
Building Games in the Cloud with Azure Microsoft Game Dev 2,731 3 года назад
Application development scenarios on Azure Microsoft Developer 2,537 2 года назад
Designing a mission-critical workload on Azure Microsoft Developer 1,559 1 год назад
How is App Service integrated with Azure and developer tools? Microsoft Developer 858 1 год назад
Azure PaaS and Cloud Native Development | OD100 Microsoft Developer 819 2 года назад