Bemisia Tabaci

Bemisia tabaci [Silverleaf Whitefly] #PestPrimer Zenthanol 1,443 6 лет назад
Endosymbionts Extraction Method From Whitefly Bemisia tabaci JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 440 2 года назад
Bemisia tabaci - Cotton white fly Ruchira Sen 3,420 4 года назад
Bemisia tabaci whitefly development VIRTIGATION project 267 1 год назад
An introduction to Bemisia tabaci (Bt) APHA 2,023 2 года назад
Varroa Mite Treatments Bob Binnie 53,934 7 месяцев назад
Episode 1: Tracheal Mites UFhoneybeelab 35,468 13 лет назад
Varroa Mites Are a Honeybee's 8-Legged Nightmare | Deep Look Deep Look 1,196,163 1 год назад
I HATE Whiteflies!!! Bigelow Brook Farm (Web4Deb) 38,732 7 лет назад
Tropilaelaps the WORST mite of HONEY BEES. Inside The Hive TV 13,704 7 лет назад
How I Treat Whiteflies In The Garden - What I Use, and How Often Midwest Gardener 92,635 4 года назад
Predatory Mites IFASCDistrict 16,246 13 лет назад
How to Fix a white fly problem in your vegetable garden Jeff Bernhard (The Executive Gardener) 157,153 8 лет назад
COMO CONTROLAR A MOSCA BRANCA (Bemisia tabaci) EM TOMATE E OUTROS HF´S O Aconselhador do HF 279 4 месяца назад
Bagaimana mengendalikan Bemisia tabaci secara efisien & efektif? Nugroho Susetya Putra 313,068 1 год назад
Whiteflies - IRAC Susceptibility Test Method No. 016 ajporter100 3,476 5 лет назад
Bemisia tabaci Bayer Crop Science NL 551 7 лет назад
Bemisia tabaci whiteflies INSECT TV 143 2 года назад
Whitefly Threat: Strategies for Success BioBuzz 12 2 дня назад
Life cycle of whitefly Koppert 207,685 8 лет назад
Bemisia tabaci on peppers Nanjing Essence Fine-Chemical CO., Ltd. 152 2 года назад
BEMISIA ADULTS 5797 Lance Osborne (Predmite) 299 8 лет назад
Control of Bemisia tabaci 🌱 Dr. Yarahmadi’s Plant Lab 7 5 месяцев назад
Emergence of a Bemisia Tabaci whitefly VIRTIGATION project 17 4 месяца назад
Biotypes and phylogenetic biology of the Bemisia tabaci - VideoWeb EEA Biblioteca Estación Experimental Agrícola 495 10 лет назад