Budget Living Switzerland

Living in Zurich (Switzerland) on 1500 $ a month Patti Films 13,997 2 года назад
How is it like Living in Switzerland - The MOST EXPENSIVE Place in The World Francesco Pio Mancini 64,531 7 месяцев назад
Cost of Living In Switzerland (World's Most Expensive Country) Claudia and Jan 111,429 2 года назад
COST OF LIVING IN SWITZERLAND 2025! As a Singapore Expat Olivia 23,751 4 месяца назад
Cost Of Living In Switzerland: My Detailed Budget Danica Christin 38,856 4 года назад
Switzerland: How to Visit Switzerland on a Budget Wolters World 132,933 2 года назад
Cost of Living in Switzerland - How Much Money I Spend Every Month Nicola - Social Media Success 367 4 года назад
How To Travel Switzerland On A Budget Ryan Shirley 114,120 5 лет назад
Downsides of living in Switzerland Moving Abroad 695,152 4 года назад
SWISS CULTURE SHOCK | Top 10 Differences between living in the US vs Switzerland The Traveling Swiss – Louis & Alexis 145,959 4 года назад
Switzerland: The Don'ts of Visiting Switzerland Wolters World 308,513 2 года назад
Countries That Will Pay You to Live There Across The Globe 4,711,334 1 год назад
Switzerland's Strict Society | Unique Investigation Moconomy 1,963,217 1 год назад
10 THINGS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE MOVING TO SWITZERLAND Olivia 109,470 11 месяцев назад
10 Reasons Why Switzerland The Best Country in the World? World According To Briggs 112,582 2 года назад
Living in Zurich, The World's Most Expensive City Money with Carla 7,496 5 месяцев назад
SALARY in SWITZERLAND: How Much do the SWISS EARN and What's Left in the End Swiss Family Travels The World 50,225 1 год назад
What Can $100 Get in SWITZERLAND (World's Most Expensive Country) Brett Conti 1,200,321 3 года назад
SWITZERLAND ON A BUDGET! Zurich Travel Guide Let's Meet Abroad 35,250 5 месяцев назад
Cost of Living Switzerland (Detailed Breakdown) Expat Well 72,581 3 года назад
Switzerland Van Life On A Budget | Is it possible? Jammy Gits 13,194 2 года назад
How to Live in Switzerland for Half Price Nomad Capitalist 46,134 1 год назад
Living on a budget in Switzerland Italian abroad 254 5 лет назад