
Bye-Bye Butterfree | POKÉMON FULL EPISODE 20 | Season 1 Pokémon TV 862,825 2 месяца назад
Bye-Bye, Butterfree! | Pokémon: Indigo League | Official Clip The Official Pokémon YouTube channel 808,289 3 года назад
Can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Only a Butterfree? Jrose11 486,287 2 года назад
Ash's Butterfree saved all the other butterfrees Master Greninja XYZ 14,174 2 года назад
The Life of Pokemon: Butterfree Christopher Remelgado 9,202 8 лет назад
Zander's giant Metapod evolves into giant Butterfree Pokebuzz 12,619 2 года назад
NEVER SAY EARLY GG TO BUTTERFREE! || Pokemon Showdown Butterfree Sweep Chilly Single Strike 2,968 2 года назад
A Evolução Épica de Caterpie! De Larva a Lenda! Ilusionista da IA 518 2 дня назад
Raticate Vs Butterfree Robbie Vandell the Sesame Street Lover the 1st 10,467 2 года назад
How Butterfree Stunned Competitive Players. Jimothy Cool 153,986 1 год назад
Ash's Metapod Evolves into Butterfree Roasted Scizor 25,213 4 года назад
Goodbye Butterfree! BumCustard 1,242,375 10 лет назад
How Ash's Butterfree Evolved ThunderZolt 11,988 6 месяцев назад
How to Draw Pokemon | Butterfree | Step-by-Step Tutorial Cartooning Club How to Draw 129,637 5 лет назад
Debunking the Butterfree Venomoth Theory #pokemon Lockstin & Gnoggin 692,499 5 месяцев назад