Cadence Hira

The RAREST Chords in Music Theory EXPLAINED (using Video Game Music) Cadence Hira 163,563 1 месяц назад
EVERY Scale EXPLAINED (using Nintendo Music) Cadence Hira 129,760 2 месяца назад
Why Does Snow Level Music Sound COLD? Cadence Hira 715,391 3 месяца назад
EVERY Time Signature EXPLAINED (using Nintendo Music) Cadence Hira 1,357,899 1 год назад
The Most COMPLEX Song in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Cadence Hira 38,873 4 месяца назад
The SECRET Anime Chord Japan has been hiding from us? Cadence Hira 48,210 4 года назад
Why Bella's Theme is Bizarre, but Beautiful Cadence Hira 2,359 3 года назад
Constant Structure is UNDERRATED Cadence Hira 4,639 4 года назад
A Song That Actually Uses Locrian David Bennett 3,006,609 6 лет назад
The Largest Chord (sUpEr UlTrA hYpEr MeGa MeTa LyDiAn) Leon Waves 5,534,481 6 лет назад
What's in between Major and Minor chords? | Q+A Adam Neely 1,248,079 4 года назад
How SEGA took Mario music and made it JAZZ Cadence Hira 35,179 6 месяцев назад
The BEST Video Game Composer Duo You May Never Have Heard Of Cadence Hira 174,996 9 месяцев назад
6 Levels of Harmony: Kirby Edition Cadence Hira 18,749 3 года назад
EVERY Time Signature EXPLAINED PART 2 (using mostly Nintendo music) Cadence Hira 146,836 9 месяцев назад
The Circle of Fifths Chord Progression EXPLAINED Cadence Hira 60,259 1 год назад
6 Levels of MICROTONES (in Video Game Music) Cadence Hira 237,977 11 месяцев назад
How is the Dress to Impress soundtrack THIS GOOD? Cadence Hira 243,363 5 месяцев назад
6 Levels of Mixed Meter Time Signatures (in Video Game Music) Cadence Hira 30,713 7 месяцев назад
How to Reharmonize Your Music Like Splatoon Cadence Hira 63,879 4 месяца назад
The SECRET Scale in the Hades Soundtrack Cadence Hira 15,088 8 месяцев назад
The Music Theory of Playable Instruments in Video Games Cadence Hira 21,493 5 месяцев назад
The SECRET 500 IQ Spooky Halloween Chord Cadence Hira 3,634 4 года назад
The SECRET of Super Mario Wonder's Sound Cadence Hira 219,304 1 год назад
Why there will NEVER be another soundtrack like Adventure Time Cadence Hira 238,373 1 год назад