Cara Nicole

Let's talk being 'Car Poor'. Cara Nicole 238,056 4 дня назад
'Fake Rich Flexing': INFLUENCERS Edition! Cara Nicole 156,344 1 месяц назад
Let’s talk influencers *faking* hauls. Cara Nicole 152,148 12 дней назад
"nobody wants to work anymore!" (eh, not exactly) Cara Nicole 43,973 55 лет назад
Let's talk being 'House Poor'. Cara Nicole 219,843 1 месяц назад
Let's talk Halloween Hyperconsumption. Cara Nicole 79,354 4 месяца назад
How Social Media Keeps You Poor Cara Nicole 93,006 3 месяца назад
FINANCIALLY AUDITING the 'Friends' Gang (Friends TV Show) Cara Nicole 160,771 10 месяцев назад
Let’s talk TRADWIFE FINANCES. Cara Nicole 62,544 5 месяцев назад
The Billionaire Tax Scam: How the Ultra-Rich Avoid Paying Up Cara Nicole 113,274 55 лет назад
Comparison Culture is Keeping You Poor Cara Nicole 58,167 3 месяца назад
Everything is an Aesthetic: How 'Aesthetics' Became Our New Religion Cara Nicole 38,814 4 месяца назад
How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances Cara Nicole 1,999,612 3 года назад
The Lottery's RICH to BROKE Pipeline Cara Nicole 45,094 4 месяца назад
Financially Auditing Michael Scott (The Office) Cara Nicole 14,675 2 месяца назад
Let's talk 'UNDERCONSUMPTION CORE' Cara Nicole 170,013 6 месяцев назад
The Dangers of 'Stay at Home Girlfriend' and 'TradWife' Culture Cara Nicole 207,940 2 года назад
Financially Auditing the Gossip Girl Characters Cara Nicole 107,564 3 месяца назад
Let's talk the 'Golden Handcuffs' Trap. Cara Nicole 137,605 3 месяца назад