Collaborative Outcomes

WHY Interprofessional Collaborative Practice? KINprof 25,375 3 года назад
The Language of Collaborative Outcomes - a dangerous ideas attachment International Association of Facilitators (IAF) 275 13 лет назад
Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) Overview Stanford Pain Medicine 3,560 10 лет назад
Collaborative Training to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes Avera Health 121 6 месяцев назад
Andy’s story – an excellent example of effective collaborative working Social Care Wales TV / Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru 1,208 3 года назад
Collaborative Testing & Problem-Based Learning | Outcomes & Best Practices Statistics and Research with Dr. Wendi L. Benson 82 11 месяцев назад
Lesson #3 Interprofessional Collaboration & Teamwork Lisa Homa 13,103 4 года назад
A UI research collaborative works to improve newborn health outcomes University of Iowa College of Public Health 118 6 лет назад
CPBC125 - Improving Patient Outcomes Through Collaboration College of Pharmacists of BC 158 8 лет назад
Case Study: Collaborative data-driven activities - Outcomes DET, University of York - Archives 1 49 9 лет назад
Project SUCCESS Webinar Series - Collaborative Practices to Improve Student Outcomes PCG's Project Success Resource Center 78 4 года назад
Indiana School-to-Work Collaborative: Working Together to Improve Transition Outcomes Center on Community Living and Careers 285 7 лет назад