David Tipton Dave S Radio Adventures

Astor M6-D Transistor Radio - 1968 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 4,563 19 часов назад
Biennophone Swiss Radio - Verbier 6303/03-HE 1963 - Part 1 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 8,412 1 месяц назад
Philco Alabama New Zealand Radio Repair David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 22,571 2 года назад
Operatic and Little Jewel Radio Repairs David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 14,856 2 года назад
AWA Model 120 & 110 Radio C105 Chassis Diagnose and Repair - 1933 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 11,895 10 месяцев назад
Kriesler 11-7 Radio Restore - Where there’s smoke there’s fire David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 46,278 5 лет назад
Mullard 1110 Radio - 1950 and Two Others David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 10,673 8 месяцев назад
AWA B15 (Electrice E516M, Westinghouse W516M) Smoking Radio Repair - 1961 to 1972 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 8,064 9 месяцев назад
Biennophone Swiss Radio - Verbier 6303/03-HE 1963 - Part 2 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 6,745 54 года назад
Vidor Suitcase AC/Battery Henley Portable Radio - Model CN426 - 1953 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 9,606 6 месяцев назад
Bush DAC90A Classic British Radio Revisited David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 18,941 5 лет назад
Hotpoint P56MEC - AWA 563MA Clock Radio repair - 1955 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 12,524 1 год назад
1931 AWA 45E Radio - It Stopped Working! David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 14,781 8 месяцев назад
Westinghouse Wide-Fi W516M AKA AWA Radiola B15 Valve Radio Restoration David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 27,817 5 лет назад
jggmobile David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 15,419 4 года назад
Astor Mickey KM Radio Restoration - There's more than one mouse in this Mickey Mouse Radio David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 23,444 5 лет назад
Healing 448E 1938 Restore and Bluetooth Part 2 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 12,630 2 года назад
Troubleshooting a Philips RF8 radio - Let's find out why it doesn't work! David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 11,798 4 месяца назад
Goblin Time Spot Radio 1947 - Part 1 David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 8,043 3 месяца назад
Time Spot Radio Part 3 - Teas Made Clock repair David Tipton (Dave's Radio Adventures) 6,836 2 месяца назад