Developer Jake

Developer Jake Intro Theme Full - ("Mysterious Hip Hop") Developer Jake 149 3 года назад
Jake Bugg - Two Fingers (MTV Iggy Live) Jake Bugg 29,268,284 12 лет назад
Making the Player - Backrooms Game Lab (Make a Backrooms Game) Developer Jake 7,659 2 года назад
Jake the Brogrammer Uploading the Final Coding Project #coding Devslopes 55,694 7 месяцев назад
How to Survive in Gamedev for Eleven Years Without a Hit GDC 2025 1,116,900 8 лет назад
Minecraft RTX 90% MUMBO JUMBO #Shorts Jake Fellman 203,437,642 3 года назад
Creating the Backrooms in Unity, but I Only Have THREE DAYS. Developer Jake 9,107 2 года назад
Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated NakeyJakey 11,458,862 6 лет назад
Jake Bugg - Two Fingers lyrics Sophie Angus 1,511,569 12 лет назад
Jake Bugg - How Soon The Dawn Jake Bugg 1,578,626 7 лет назад
5 Hours of flamingo admin trolling videos cuz why not packwatch 1,907,199 1 год назад
Making a VIRUS for a Game Jam (and almost winning) Deynum Studio 376,054 11 месяцев назад
How One Programmer Created Gaming's Most Complex Ecosystem ThatGuyGlen 1,815,152 1 год назад
When the developers know the character well... Owlnets 236,778 3 месяца назад
A Week in the Life of a Monzo Developer #1 Jake Wright 417,645 5 лет назад
Jake Paul bows to Mike Tyson at the end of the match #PaulTyson Netflix 2,165,077 3 месяца назад
Jake Paul Mike Tyson Sky Sports Boxing 1,712,569 3 месяца назад