Developer Voices

Is Odin "Programming done right"? (with Bill Hall) Developer Voices 65,287 1 год назад
What's Zig got that C, Rust and Go don't have? (with Loris Cro) Developer Voices 208,414 1 год назад
ReScript: A Better Typed JavaScript? (with Gabriel Nordeborn) Developer Voices 5,947 1 месяц назад
MicroServices For Better And Worse (with Ian Cooper and James Lewis) Developer Voices 6,678 4 месяца назад
Software Systems Aren’t Just Software (with Diana Montalion) Developer Voices 5,431 2 месяца назад
A Universal Query Engine in Rust (with Predrag Gruevski) Developer Voices 5,451 1 месяц назад
Architecting a Rust Game Engine (with Alice Cecile) Developer Voices 15,175 4 месяца назад
Writing a CAD Language in Rust (with Adam Chalmers) Developer Voices 6,414 5 месяцев назад
Elm & The Future of Open Source (with Evan Czaplicki) Developer Voices 15,736 3 месяца назад
Designing Actor-Based Software (with Hugh McKee) Developer Voices 12,069 10 месяцев назад
Pony: High-Performance, Memory-Safe Actors (with Sean Allen) Developer Voices 5,829 4 месяца назад
Creating and Evolving Elixir (with José Valim) Developer Voices 12,679 8 месяцев назад
Bridging the Gap Between Languages (with Martin Johansen) Developer Voices 3,015 1 год назад
Designing The Lustre Web Framework (with Hayleigh Thompson) Developer Voices 8,156 5 месяцев назад
Building the Zed Text Editor (with Nathan Sobo) Developer Voices 25,879 9 месяцев назад
Will we be writing Hare in 2099? (with Drew DeVault) Developer Voices 19,690 1 год назад