Distributed And Interactive Systems Group Cwi

CWI Distributed and Interactive Systems group Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica 1,559 7 лет назад
Experiment seen through VR glasses Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica 42 1 год назад
CHI2021 - Mapping Design Spaces for Audience Participation in Game Live Streaming Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 19 3 года назад
TRACTION - THE CO-CREATION SPACE Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 101 3 года назад
CHI 2019 - Measuring and Understanding Photo Sharing Experiences in Social Virtual Reality Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 310 6 лет назад
Seeing what the audience feels: Live visualisation of audience engagement Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 147 7 лет назад
Object Based Broadcasting Production Tools Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 246 5 лет назад
CHI 2021 SocialVR Talk Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 40 3 года назад
CHI2021 - RCEA-360VR: Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation in 360° VR Videos Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 46 3 года назад
Experiment with VR Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica 37 1 год назад
CHI2020 (LBW): Designing Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation Techniques for 360° VR Videos Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 120 4 года назад
Tangible Air Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 235 8 лет назад
CHI2020: ThermalWear: Wearable On-chest Thermal Displays to Augment Voice Messages with Affect Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 84 4 года назад
Working at CWI Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica 5,309 6 лет назад
Igor and Iotsa: Creating Appliances for Restful, Unified Access (by Jack Jansen) Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 65 7 лет назад
CHI2020: RCEA: Real-time, Continuous Emotion Annotation for Mobile Video Ground Truth Labels Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 49 4 года назад
MMSys2021 - CWIPC-SXR : Point Cloud Dynamic Human Dataset for Social XR Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 535 3 года назад
IMX2020 (demo): A Social VR Clinic for Knee Arthritis Patients with Haptics Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 479 4 года назад
Cake VR: Celebration of CWI's 75th anniversary in SocialVR Distributed and Interactive Systems Group, CWI 466 4 года назад