Gabriel Mongaras

Attending to Topological Spaces: The Cellular Transformer Gabriel Mongaras 438 6 дней назад
Learning to (Learn at Test Time): RNNs with Expressive Hidden States Gabriel Mongaras 1,381 2 недели назад
WARP: On the Benefits of Weight Averaged Rewarded Policies Gabriel Mongaras 617 3 недели назад
CoPE - Contextual Position Encoding: Learning to Count What's Important Gabriel Mongaras 1,182 1 месяц назад
xLSTM: Extended Long Short-Term Memory Gabriel Mongaras 1,751 2 месяца назад
KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks Gabriel Mongaras 52,988 2 месяца назад
OpenAI Sora and DiTs: Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers Gabriel Mongaras 10,134 5 месяцев назад
CoPE - Contextual Position Encoding: Learning to Count What's Important Gabriel Mongaras 1,182 1 месяц назад
KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks Gabriel Mongaras 52,988 2 месяца назад
Encodec: High Fidelity Neural Audio Compression Explained Gabriel Mongaras 2,240 1 год назад
DoRA: Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation Gabriel Mongaras 1,628 5 месяцев назад
Attention Is All You Need Explanation Gabriel Mongaras 1,634 1 год назад
Pathway enrichment analysis - simple explanation! Biostatsquid 20,455 1 год назад
How Stable Diffusion Works (AI Image Generation) Gonkee 141,120 1 год назад
GaLore: Memory-Efficient LLM Training by Gradient Low-Rank Projection Gabriel Mongaras 923 4 месяца назад
CS 198-126: Lecture 12 - Diffusion Models Machine Learning at Berkeley 65,539 1 год назад
How to turn PROCEDURAL MATH into MUSIC (actually this time) Ryan Hedgecock 4,544 10 месяцев назад
WARP: On the Benefits of Weight Averaged Rewarded Policies Gabriel Mongaras 617 3 недели назад
Gabriel Mongaras RR VP Jenna Leifeste 20 4 года назад
LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of LLMs Explained Gabriel Mongaras 10,450 1 год назад
Lumiere: A Space-Time Diffusion Model for Video Generation Gabriel Mongaras 597 5 месяцев назад
CodeFusion: A Pre-trained Diffusion Model for Code Generation Gabriel Mongaras 792 8 месяцев назад
Mamba: Linear-Time Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces Gabriel Mongaras 9,167 7 месяцев назад
MusicGen: Simple and Controllable Music Generation Explained Gabriel Mongaras 3,587 1 год назад