Gaited Horse Bit

Gaited Horse Bits Gaye DeRusso The Majestic Rider - Gaited Horses 15,206 2 года назад
Rockin S Raised Snaffle vs MacGregor Releasing bit LIVE Ivy Starnes 4,250 3 года назад
Thoughts about Snaffle Bits and the Gaited Horse #TennesseeWalkingHorse Naturally Gaited Horse 380 2 года назад
My favorite bit for gaited horses! Ivy Starnes 41,403 7 лет назад
gaited horse bits levimissy11 3,007 12 лет назад
Introducing a Gaited Horse to the Bit #GaitedHorse Naturally Gaited Horse 287 3 года назад
Bitting the Gaited (and non-gaited) Horse. Explanation of how many common horse bits function. Phoenix Rising Saddles--Your Gaited Horse Source (4-Beat Saddles) 59,868 9 лет назад
The Difference A Bit Makes On A Gaited Horse Katiecat64 47,289 13 лет назад
Teach Your Gaited Horse To Give To The Bit and Be Soft - Head Down -Fix The Pacey Gaited Horse Gaye DeRusso The Majestic Rider - Gaited Horses 1,604 2 года назад
My Favorite Shanked Bit for Gaited Horses Ivy Starnes 22,742 7 лет назад
Gaited Horse Best Saddle SpecializedSaddles 8,209 7 лет назад
Teaching a Gaited Horse To Bring Its Head Down and Not Pull or Root On The Bit Gaye DeRusso The Majestic Rider - Gaited Horses 1,150 1 год назад
How to Check the Fit of your Horse's Bit Phoenix Rising Saddles--Your Gaited Horse Source (4-Beat Saddles) 6,870 7 лет назад
Introducing a Gaited Horse to Contact & Flexions (Part 2) #GaitedHorse Naturally Gaited Horse 129 3 года назад
Questions from emails and The answers with gaited horse trainer Mike Meizler rafter M training stables 3,454 2 года назад
How Saddle Fitting and Bitting Affects How a Gaited Horse Moves Phoenix Rising Saddles--Your Gaited Horse Source (4-Beat Saddles) 9,508 7 лет назад
Fixing a pacey stiff and resistant gaited horse Dreamgaits 10,701 3 года назад