Jenny S Lectures Cs It

Biggest mistake I do while recording| behind the scene | #jennyslectures Jenny's Lectures CS IT 1,206,719 3 года назад
My coding expectations vs Reality | #jennyslecture Jenny's Lectures CS IT 1,099,610 3 года назад
C_01 Introduction to C Language | C Programming Tutorials Jenny's Lectures CS IT 3,322,181 4 года назад
Comment Box 3 | Ma'am Are You Married ? Jenny's Lectures CS IT 3,182,211 4 года назад
7.6 Quick Sort in Data Structure | Sorting Algorithm | DSA Full Course Jenny's Lectures CS IT 2,955,765 5 лет назад
Functions in Python | Introduction | Python for beginners #lec56 Jenny's Lectures CS IT 172,557 1 год назад
But violence likesss me... | #shorts #youtubepartner #jennyslectures Jenny's Lectures CS IT 768,258 2 года назад
Introduction to Python Programming | Python for Beginners #lec1 Jenny's Lectures CS IT 1,316,947 2 года назад
How to learn to Code | Best Way to learn Coding | Placement Series Jenny's Lectures CS IT 1,561,957 4 года назад
2.1 Introduction to Linked List | Need of Linked List | DSA Tutorials Jenny's Lectures CS IT 1,438,698 5 лет назад
FUNNY BLOOPERS | Making Of | Behind The Scenes| Jennys Lectures Jenny's Lectures CS IT 1,617,116 5 лет назад