Johan Segeborn

CLEAN Amp with these JHS PEDALS actually BEATS CRANKING the Amp!!?!! Johan Segeborn 16,307 2 месяца назад
Does the new Marshall 1959 Pedal sound like an actual SUPER LEAD? Johan Segeborn 13,087 7 дней назад
10 Classic Guitar Amps that sound like the CLASSIC RECORDS! Johan Segeborn 10,444 55 лет назад
Marshall Stack with the Classic Boss Pedals BLEW ME AWAY!! Johan Segeborn 9,229 55 лет назад
THE Desert Island Marshall Amp - JMP 2204 Johan Segeborn 9,091 55 лет назад
Nirvana In Bloom Sound Chain - Discussion & Gear Experiments Johan Segeborn 10,185 1 месяц назад
Comparing the 2 Classic Metallica 4x12 Cabs Johan Segeborn 10,764 2 месяца назад
Marshall SV20C is the ONLY 1x10 Combo that has THE METAL GROWL Johan Segeborn 9,798 2 месяца назад
THE Desert Island Marshall Amp - JMP 2204 Johan Segeborn 9,091 55 лет назад
6 Microphones to record SLASH’s Guitar Tone! Johan Segeborn 4,275 4 года назад
Marshall Stack with the Classic Boss Pedals BLEW ME AWAY!! Johan Segeborn 9,229 55 лет назад
Mojotone Greyhound and BV30V demo- Metal Josh Goff 3,130 1 год назад
The Latest Fender PRO JR has a HUGE, COMPLEX and BEAUTIFUL TONE! Johan Segeborn 102,981 4 года назад
Comparing 13 Celestion Guitar Speakers Using the SAME RIFF Johan Segeborn 198,347 10 лет назад
Greenback Vs Blackback Comparison - Shootout Johan Segeborn 42,857 10 лет назад
20 Things that COULD make you a BETTER GUITARIST Johan Segeborn 45,915 8 лет назад
Ep. 106 - Johan Segeborn on Tone-Talk! Let's go! Tone-Talk 15,374 3 года назад
A SIMPLE TRICK that will give you instant VINTAGE HUMBUCKER TONE! Johan Segeborn 187,605 7 лет назад
How to Record your Marshall Half Stack according to PHYSICS! Johan Segeborn 11,473 4 месяца назад
Why this is the Ultimate Marshall Amp, and how to set it up! Johan Segeborn 64,410 3 года назад
Comparing the 2 Classic Metallica 4x12 Cabs Johan Segeborn 10,764 2 месяца назад
1967 Super Lead Vs 2011 Rectifier - Which sounds more EVIL? Johan Segeborn 151,149 9 лет назад
Why some guitars are played more than others! Johan Segeborn 5,939 4 месяца назад
The Pinnacle of MARSHALL Guitar Tone! Johan Segeborn 27,778 7 месяцев назад
You are BETTER OFF with a MARSHALL 1X12 than a 4X12 Johan Segeborn 18,869 5 месяцев назад
Nirvana In Bloom Sound Chain - Discussion & Gear Experiments Johan Segeborn 10,185 1 месяц назад
How much Marshall do you need? SV20 or 1987 or even 1959!? Johan Segeborn 15,821 10 месяцев назад