Judit Polgar Videos

17-year-old Judit Polgar defeating World Champ Boris Spassky Judit Polgar Videos 249,625 11 лет назад
Judit Polgar defeating Kasparov - Russia vs Rest of the World Judit Polgar Videos 247,626 13 лет назад
Judit Polgar on her book How I Beat Fischer's Record Judit Polgar Videos 9,536 12 лет назад
Judit Polgar Giving a Hard Time to Carlsen in Mexico Judit Polgar Videos 35,797 12 лет назад
Can Everyone Become Talented? - Story of the Polgar Sisters (animated) Better Than Yesterday 641,907 7 лет назад
6-year-old Jane on meeting Judit Polgar - GCF 2016, Budapest Judit Polgar Videos 7,975 8 лет назад
Judit Polgar's Most Brutal Attack Ever Chess with Suren 235,108 3 года назад
Judit Polgar - Interview in Argentina Judit Polgar Videos 18,526 13 лет назад
Judit Polgar vs the World Judit Polgar Videos 2,604 2 года назад
Judit Polgar on her first book + trivia question Chesscom Community 18,367 12 лет назад
Dessert with the Polgar Sisters Judit Polgar Videos 6,887 4 года назад