Kevin Dorma Consulting

Process Engineering: Line Sizing Kevin Dorma Consulting 21,237 3 года назад
Whoosh bottle with isopropyl and gasoline (0 C temperature) Kevin Dorma Consulting 215 2 года назад
Should you buy power from Alberta grid or renewable provider Kevin Dorma Consulting 43 8 месяцев назад
Design Margin: Thermal Expansion Kevin Dorma Consulting 664 4 года назад
The rise of AI = no salary growth in consulting Management Consulted 592 1 месяц назад
whoosh bottle experiment in slow motion - combustion reaction science mode Laboratory 373 6 лет назад
OTSG Water Side Dynamics: Part 1 Kevin Dorma Consulting 3,861 7 лет назад
Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps - Natural Gas Consumers Walking Mountains 159 4 года назад
Empowering Leaders for a Tech-Driven Tomorrow with Prof. Mark Esposito Knowledge Group Consulting 9,778 1 год назад
DIY Pressure Tank turn into Griller pie Valdez 216 3 года назад
How to size the inlet line for a steam trap Kevin Dorma Consulting 669 4 года назад
Condensate Induced Waterhammer Demonstration: Suppressed with air Kevin Dorma Consulting 43 3 года назад
Kevin’s Whiteboard Part 5: Pressure Control Kevin Dorma Consulting 262 7 лет назад
Resistive motor starting 2 (another fail) Kevin Dorma Consulting 29 2 года назад
Evaluation of an Air Source Heat Pump in Calgary: Shaving a Yak Kevin Dorma Consulting 323 3 года назад
Why gas turbine engines lose power in hot weather Kevin Dorma Consulting 834 3 года назад
Resistive starting for single phase 240V motor (failed) Kevin Dorma Consulting 301 2 года назад
Kevin’s Whiteboard Part 2: Tuning Strategies Kevin Dorma Consulting 219 7 лет назад
Good and bad choices for a hydrogen economy Kevin Dorma Consulting 57 3 года назад
Kevin’s Whiteboard Part 6: Cascade Control Kevin Dorma Consulting 1,080 7 лет назад
Frost on the pumpkin, but not under it Kevin Dorma Consulting 27 3 года назад
What caused the BBQ to always go out: explanation Kevin Dorma Consulting 81 3 года назад
Kevin’s Whiteboard Part 3: Process Gain and Temperature Control Kevin Dorma Consulting 838 7 лет назад