Kind Type Theory

Robert Harper: "Phase Distinctions in Type Theory" Topos Institute 2,613 3 года назад
Uncovering the Unknown: Principles of Type Inference ChariotSolutions 7,377 12 лет назад
"A Little Taste of Dependent Types" by David Christiansen Strange Loop Conference 40,946 6 лет назад
Foundations 7: Dependent Type Theory Richard Southwell 7,783 4 года назад
Kind Inference for Datatypes ACM SIGPLAN 599 5 лет назад
MuniHac 2020: Richard Eisenberg - Partial Type Constructors TNG Technology Consulting GmbH 979 4 года назад
Type A Personalities vs Type B Personalities (Type D, Type T too!) Practical Psychology 318,820 5 лет назад
type theory for busy engineers niko matsakis CodeKick 1 2 месяца назад
08 INF-3910-5: Types and type systems Jonas Juselius 462 4 года назад
The future of TypedDict | Typing Summit | PyCon US 2022 David Foster 3,027 2 года назад