
A Japanese heating appliance you must try. (Kotatsu) Itinerant Travels in Japan 1,473 5 лет назад
UNBOXING a KOTATSU Importing a Japanese heated table in Canada Bumbling Tourist 33,771 4 года назад
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Only in Japan: Kotatsu Ferris Wheel ️ franklin the woman 5,490 1 месяц назад
UPGRADING Our Japanese Heated Table | Buying a Kotatsu in Canada Bumbling Tourist 2,165 2 года назад
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The best part of winters in Japan! The Kotatsu culture! Japanagos(ジャパナゴス) 241,475 10 лет назад
コタツの中の猫 Cats in the kotatsu かご猫 Blog 296,388 12 лет назад
[Nendoroid Accessories] RE-MENT KOTATSU hiroasbig 152 8 месяцев назад