
How can you overcome these odds using trash? LegendofTotalWar 20,973 12 часов назад
Rat in a Cage but the guards are French LegendofTotalWar 38,640 1 день назад
He wants me to roast him but I refuse LegendofTotalWar 52,449 2 дня назад
11/10 Difficulty. Sticks and Stones vs Armoured Elites LegendofTotalWar 52,731 3 дня назад
Trench Warfare except it's Warhammer 3 LegendofTotalWar 55,318 4 дня назад
Thorek Ironbrow is the villain of many Disasters LegendofTotalWar 37,832 5 дней назад
The Fire At Will Bug LegendofTotalWar 74,388 6 дней назад
Give me 50,000 damage or else we lose LegendofTotalWar 47,436 7 дней назад
He thinks it's 10/10 difficulty and I agree LegendofTotalWar 85,225 8 дней назад
Life Slann Was A Bad Choice LegendofTotalWar 39,266 9 дней назад
He wants me to roast him but I refuse LegendofTotalWar 52,449 2 дня назад
He can't get to the next turn LegendofTotalWar 75,699 5 месяцев назад
Alarielle bites off more beards than she can chew LegendofTotalWar 57,914 5 месяцев назад
You got Sigvalded LegendofTotalWar 87,483 3 месяца назад
I HATE RATS LegendofTotalWar 84,550 3 месяца назад
This Total War system has always bothered me LegendofTotalWar 298,341 3 месяца назад
This Player is 100% Corrupted by Slaanesh LegendofTotalWar 100,145 1 месяц назад
Total War is riddled with Player Traps LegendofTotalWar 360,099 4 месяца назад
A taste of my own medicine. AI makes a Doomstack I can't attack. LegendofTotalWar 82,581 2 месяца назад
Eating Yourself Heals Yourself LegendofTotalWar 65,794 2 месяца назад
Good units dumb army LegendofTotalWar 50,295 1 месяц назад
When you're on the wrong side of Balthasar Gelt LegendofTotalWar 55,400 2 месяца назад
Is Hiding Useless? LegendofTotalWar 102,191 5 месяцев назад
Doing things the hard way LegendofTotalWar 65,599 4 месяца назад
Collapse of a Campaign LegendofTotalWar 126,218 3 месяца назад
The Strangest Kislev Campaign I've Ever Seen LegendofTotalWar 98,110 1 месяц назад
Just Give Up LegendofTotalWar 133,753 3 месяца назад
The End Times arrives at Praag LegendofTotalWar 85,700 2 месяца назад
Unlimited Self-Sufficient Armies for Reikland LegendofTotalWar 89,921 3 месяца назад