
My Hero (Tolarian) Academia | Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 19,351 20 часов назад
Winston Wednesdays #5 - You Never Go Full Breach Luis Scott-Vargas 22,545 2 дня назад
Nadu-ing It In MH3 Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 23,673 4 дня назад
MTGO Cube Changes Review With The One (of many) BK Luis Scott-Vargas 16,733 3 дня назад
Flickering Anything And Everything In Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 30,628 5 дней назад
Crabomination Domination in MH3 Draft! Luis Scott-Vargas 29,678 8 дней назад
LSV Drafts Abzan Tokens In Modern Horizons 3! ChannelFireball 23,888 2 недели назад
Four Colors, One BK, Lots of Wins? | Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 30,264 7 дней назад
Angels, Demons, and +1/+1 Counters In MH3 Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 25,297 6 дней назад
Winston Wednesdays #4 - It's Time For Show And Tell! Luis Scott-Vargas 21,430 9 дней назад
LSV's Modern Horizons 3 Draft: Lessons Learned ChannelFireball 27,141 2 недели назад
Who Needs Eldrazi When You Have Boros Control | MH3 MTGA Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 22,952 11 дней назад
Crabomination Gets Its Claws Into Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 33,873 13 дней назад
Synthesizing The Perfect Workshop Deck | Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 34,312 10 дней назад
Freezing Them Out With a Side of Strip Mine | Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 36,182 2 месяца назад
Temur Tempo Time | Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 29,651 5 месяцев назад
Pick One Ancestral, Pick Two Mox, Pick Three Profit? | Vintage Cube Draft Luis Scott-Vargas 45,648 3 месяца назад
LSV is Balancing Out Vintage Cube! ChannelFireball 18,838 1 месяц назад
LSV's First Modern Horizons 3 Draft! - Pre Release ChannelFireball 25,023 3 недели назад