Mooc Learner

What is a MOOC? dave cormier 913,778 14 лет назад
MOOC Video American English 27,322 5 лет назад
MOOCs and Online Learning at Cornell Cornell University 2,135 12 лет назад
Converting zombies into learners: Improving MOOC learner retention MIT Open Learning 121 3 года назад
Understanding Learners in MOOCs Rene Kizilcec 1,873 9 лет назад
K-MOOC Learners : Intervew with Learner Youngji Kim(Eng.) 국가평생교육진흥원 NILE 31 9 месяцев назад
Overview of the Coursera MOOC "Learning How to Learn" Barbara Oakley 18,971 10 лет назад
How to produce a MOOC? Learning Design Workshop BizMOOC 2,341 7 лет назад
Digging Deeper Into Learners’ Experiences in MOOCs Research Shorts 185 8 лет назад
The MOOC's learning approach Middlesex University - Culturally Competent Compassion MOOC 656 10 лет назад
MOOCs and the Future of Higher Education University of California Television (UCTV) 8,176 7 лет назад
MOOCs and Beyond EDUCAUSE 40,603 11 лет назад
Gregor Kiczales - MOOCs and On-Campus Learning The University of British Columbia 1,251 11 лет назад
Learning in a Museum MOOC - Teacher Academy Online Course European School Education Platform 2,332 5 лет назад
Learning to build and run a MOOC | edX Regional Training | UCLouvain Louvain Learning Lab 333 9 лет назад
Teaching, Learning, and the MOOC The University of British Columbia 327 11 лет назад
#36 Course Design in MOOC | Designing Learner-Centric MOOCs NPTEL IIT Bombay 1,231 5 лет назад