No Smartphone

I went from iPhone to dumb phone to no phone (and learnt this) Darby Wilcock 142,279 2 года назад
I Tried Living Without a Smartphone – The Results Were Terrifying David Boland 378,436 6 месяцев назад
I Tried to Quit My Smartphone for a Year, Here's What Happened WheezyWaiter 309,615 1 год назад
Become (Super)HUMAN Again | My 4th Year Without A Smartphone Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen 57,393 6 месяцев назад
Life without a Smartphone Chris Titus Tech 217,816 2 года назад
I Dumb-i-fied my iPhone and Got My Life Back (iPod Week 3) Digging The Greats 1,382,227 7 месяцев назад
What Happens Now That We All HATE Using Our Phone? Enrico Tartarotti 449,923 9 месяцев назад
Changing to a Flip Phone changed my Life gracie K 419,178 10 месяцев назад
I decentralized my smartphone (for digital minimalism) Paolo 244,302 6 месяцев назад
I Want To Live Without My Phone. Lauren Hogg 45,138 5 лет назад
"19 Reasons Why I Don't Have A Smartphone" Tales Of Mere Existence Tales of Mere Existence 337,041 11 лет назад
I used a dumb phone for 30 days Matt D'Avella 3,000,889 2 года назад
What I've Learnt Living With a Dumb Phone for 2 Years Jack Scollay 111,502 4 года назад
Why I don't use a smartphone Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen 177,532 4 года назад
I quit my phone for 30 days Matt D'Avella 524,462 1 год назад
This pocket notebook is (slowly) replacing my phone Austin Schrock 4,103,603 2 года назад
iPhone 15 oder iPhone 16e? Mach bloß keinen Fehler! MoeKit 3,693 23 часа назад
Das iPhone 16e ist gar nicht so schlecht A Better Computer 1,361 2 дня назад
I Stopped Using My Phone. The results were shocking Nate O'Brien 547,737 1 год назад
4 Tips To Break Your Phone Addiction || Mayim Bialik Dr. Mayim Bialik 562,192 6 лет назад
These NYC teens are rejecting cellphones and social media. Here's why. CBS New York 1,578,833 4 месяца назад
After Quitting My Smartphone for a Year, I Gained a Superpower WheezyWaiter 259,513 11 месяцев назад
Why I Don’t Use A Smart Phone | Ann Makosinski | TEDxTeen TEDx Talks 3,482,499 9 лет назад
3 Years Without a Smartphone Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen 94,649 1 год назад
Your mom was right. It's that damn phone. Cole Hastings 908,900 10 месяцев назад
Life without a smartphone Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen 80,521 2 года назад