Professor T Rex

How the Tyrannosaurs Ruled the World – with David Hone The Royal Institution 2,073,674 7 лет назад
Paleontologist Reviews Dinosaur Movie Scenes | Vanity Fair Vanity Fair 6,645,845 2 года назад
How Do We See Intelligent Design in Nature? - Dr. Paul Nelson Is Genesis History? 26,115 4 года назад
GIANT LIFE SIZE DINOSAUR Theme Park at the Zoo! Ryan's World 65,178,650 8 лет назад
Social Behaviour in Dinosaurs - with David Hone The Royal Institution 339,071 9 лет назад
Dinosaurs of the Lost Continent | Dr. Scott Sampson Burke Museum 495,798 8 лет назад
The Big Bite of the Teenage T. Rex University of California Television (UCTV) 1,712 3 года назад
T-Rex Facts for Kids | All about the Tyrannosaurus Rex Learn Bright 3,181,250 2 года назад
The Life and Times of Tyrannosaurus rex, with Dr. Thomas Holtz Burke Museum 370,304 11 лет назад
Researchers find T-rex could crush 8,000 pounds FloridaState 5,421 7 лет назад
UNM professor involved in dinosaur discovery KRQE 338 7 лет назад
Professor Flint's T.rex Adventure HeapsGoodTV with Michael Mills 160 8 лет назад
Paläontologe erklärt das Besondere am T-Rex-Skelett Passauer Neue Presse 2,025 7 лет назад
Professor Flint's Dinobites: The Awesomeness of T.rex Dinosaur University 92 4 года назад