Prove All Things Audits

correctional facility gets CORRECTED #firstamendmentauditor #karens #police Prove All Things Audits 120,383 5 месяцев назад
#shorts Cardi B's Security tried to BULLY me on a PUBLIC street!!! Prove All Things Audits 1,845,203 1 год назад
How state is asking employees to handle so-called '1st Amendment Auditors' WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7 1,889,304 3 года назад
Rep. Al Green speaks while the House debates his censure KHOU 11 391,650 16 часов назад
POST OFFICE KAREN makes up "policy" to stop filming! #firstamendmentauditor #karens #police Prove All Things Audits 152,540 7 месяцев назад
You can't film our store! Boulder, CO#1aaudit #firstamanedmentaudit Prove All Things Audits 101,549 9 месяцев назад
WHOLE CITY goes nuts over a camera!!!! #firstamendmentauditor #karens #police Prove All Things Audits 18,165 4 месяца назад
Creepy Crap #firstamendmentauditor #karens #police Prove All Things Audits 3,576 3 месяца назад
Entitled KAREN calls cops over a camera!! Boulder, CO #firstamendmentaudit #1aauditor #karens Prove All Things Audits 102,433 11 месяцев назад