Risto Linturi Random Futures Experiments

The Fascinating Legacy of Fibonacci AIRisto & InVideoAI production Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 121 1 месяц назад
Future of warfare; AI_Risto production, using Pictory and NotebookLM, using Finnish research. Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 193 1 месяц назад
Radical Transformation of our Food System, Keynote in the Viikki Food Design Factory opening event Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 178 2 года назад
Story of Gaming: Through the Past, Present and Future, by REOL & InVideoAI Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 137 1 год назад
Robotic Revolution Past, Present, and Future Impact on Society, Invideo AI, REOL Presents Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 112 11 месяцев назад
Trooper visits Earth, trying to find who is in charge! A video story; #klingai and @elevenlabsio Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 572 4 месяца назад
Teslalla 25 cm lumihangessa ylämäkeen - tuhoon tuomittu yritys? Lari Lehtovirta 28,610 2 года назад
Earth Mother (AI) speech in the 1st World Summit of the Committees of the Future Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 1,440 2 года назад
AI to AGI Revolution: Will it bring Utopia or Dystopia; InvideoAI & REOL production Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 622 10 месяцев назад
Tekoäly Samantha opettaa luovaa johtamista yhdessä Riston kanssa: Pilottijakso - 50 osan sarjaan! Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 2,129 3 года назад
Gilgamesh's Epic Quest for Immortality: produced by AI_Risto using #invideoai 3.0 Alpha Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 385 1 месяц назад
Brokk demolition robot found a treasure in an old wine cellar :) Tiago Mendonça 5,199 3 года назад
Artificial Intelligence and IPR-Prof. Priti Saxena Prof. Priti Saxena Prof. S.D.Sharma Law Lectures 539 1 год назад
Suomalaisen joulun historia ja perinteet, AI_Risto ja InvideoAI Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 228 2 дня назад
The Marvelous Mammalian Matrix An Evolutionary Expedition, by REOL & InVideo AI Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 272 1 год назад
HeyGen Podcast on Organizationa Creativity by AI_Risto Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 307 54 года назад
The Invisible Man's Epic Journey Around the World in 80 Days! Learning to See w. AIRisto & InVideo. Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 366 1 месяц назад
Architectural Odyssey A Journey Through Time and Space, Produced by REOL & Invideo Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 623 1 год назад
Kiplings IF by AI_Risto and Suno - the most beautiful poem! Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 281 6 месяцев назад
Virtual wrestling demo with iClone8 and Replica, written by ChatGPT Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 368 1 год назад
Cyberpunk Banana Pole Dance Extravaganza #invideoai Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 10 1 месяц назад
Helsinki and Finland 2023, High Tech, Art and Nature, Invideo AI & REOL production Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 303 1 год назад
Dancing Risto's - animated with iClone8.2 Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 205 1 год назад
AI Evolution From Rule Based Systems to Generative AI, REOL & InvideoAI production Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments 316 10 месяцев назад