Roots And Tropes

England's Black Sabbath vs Sweden's Zane Roots and Tropes 801 1 год назад
Kicked Out of The Queers, Steals a Riff Roots and Tropes 103 2 дня назад
Who Played This Solo Better? Ted Nugent vs ZEKE Roots and Tropes 274 4 месяца назад
Riff War: Death Metal vs NOFX Roots and Tropes 125 1 день назад
Ozzy Osbourne & Turnstile competed for a Grammy Roots and Tropes 1,050 1 год назад
Dee Dee Ramone liked The Stooges Roots and Tropes 891 2 года назад
Glenn Danzig vs 90's Surf Rock Roots and Tropes 563 55 лет назад
blink-182's "Touchdown Boy" vs Face to Face Roots and Tropes 517 6 месяцев назад
Rancid's "Ruby Soho" vs Sex Pistols: Who Did It Better? Roots and Tropes 4,966 1 год назад
Sick Of It All vs WFAWM Roots and Tropes 278 1 год назад
Op Ivy jokingly paying homage to The Beatles Roots and Tropes 1,326 2 года назад
NYHC vs UK Oi!: gang vocals Roots and Tropes 344 1 год назад
blink-182's "Carousel" Birthed a New Era of Pop-Punk Roots and Tropes 557 4 месяца назад
Ramones chorus sounds like The Misfits Roots and Tropes 4,167 1 год назад
for fans of AFI: hardcore band Roots and Tropes 316 1 год назад
“Don't Stop Believin'" riff taken from UK band Roots and Tropes 2,086 1 год назад
NYHC: H2O & Agnostic Front Roots and Tropes 141 2 года назад
Trope of a guitar riff Roots and Tropes 327 2 года назад
Danzig Recycles a Pre-Chorus Roots and Tropes 158 10 дней назад