
What is Serverless? IBM Technology 205,014 4 года назад
Serverless was a big mistake... says Amazon Fireship 1,684,092 1 год назад
Serverless Computing in 100 Seconds Fireship 300,401 3 года назад
Introduction to AWS Lambda - Serverless Compute on Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services 662,481 9 лет назад
What is Serverless?! (in 3 minutes) Coding with Lewis 20,264 2 года назад
Introduction to AWS Lambda & Serverless Applications Amazon Web Services 321,969 6 лет назад
when your serverless computing bill goes parabolic... Fireship 871,640 8 месяцев назад
Serverless Container Framework - Introduction Serverless 3,489 55 лет назад
Serverless Computing with AWS Lambda Explained ByteMonk 3,211 4 месяца назад
Aurora Serverless v2 is now.... SERVERLESS! (kind of) Be A Better Dev 4,449 3 месяца назад
Serverless for container fans via Amazon ECS and AWS Lambda Bret Fisher Cloud Native DevOps 1,698 4 месяца назад
What is Quantum Serverless? IBM Technology 979 4 месяца назад
You DON’T Need Microservices for Serverless! Here’s Why CodeOpinion 5,590 1 месяц назад
Build a Cloud Native Serverless App on AWS Digital Cloud Training 506 1 месяц назад
Serverless: A Comprehensive Breakdown Theo - t3․gg 62,515 2 месяца назад
What Is Serverless? Traversy Media 181,770 4 года назад
Serverless Was A Mistake | Prime Reacts ThePrimeTime 245,947 1 год назад
You Don't Want Serverless - Erik Onarheim - NDC Oslo 2024 NDC Conferences 6,411 4 месяца назад
"Serverless sucks!"... or does it? CodeOpinion 7,413 11 месяцев назад
That's It, I'm Done With Serverless* Theo - t3․gg 208,948 1 год назад
The Serverless Hype Explained! Simply Explained 105,725 4 года назад