Simply Affirmations

5 min Morning Affirmation Meditation - Positive Thoughts Yoga with Kassandra 1,426,031 4 года назад
How Affirmations Work Brian Tracy 22,855 1 год назад
A Powerful Affirmation That Will Transform Your Life! YouAreCreators 357,766 2 года назад
POWERFUL POSITIVE Morning Affirmations for POSITIVE DAY, WAKE UP: 21 Day "I AM" Affirmations Jason Stephenson - Sleep Meditation Music 16,499,869 6 лет назад
Self-Love Positive Affirmations [LOOP + REPEAT] Guided Meditation Kevin Pond - Meditation 82,765 1 год назад
These Money Affirmations Change Everything Law of Attraction Solutions 43,942 2 года назад
Manifest Your DREAM PARTER With Positive Affirmations (528 H) Simply Affirmations 28 20 часов назад
3 powerful affirmations to health and vitality Innertune Daily Affirmations 842,374 10 месяцев назад
Morning Positive Affirmations ~ A 10 minute guided meditation Great Meditation 1,660,508 4 года назад
42 Morning Affirmations [KICK-START YOUR DAY!] Fresh Affirmations 6,167,521 9 лет назад
Positive Affirmations for Love & Healthy Relationships Lavendaire 287,963 6 месяцев назад