Snu Soft Robotics And Bionics Lab

Environmental Adaptability of Legged Robots with Cutaneous Inflation and Sensation SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 706 8 месяцев назад
Flexible Wearable Joint Motion Sensor Based On Multi-Wire Displacement SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 108 5 месяцев назад
Biomimetic Soft Airflow Sensor with Printed Ionogel Conductor SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 631 5 лет назад
Deep Full Body Motion Network for a Soft Wearable Motion Sensing Suit SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 662 5 лет назад
A Simple Tripod Mobile Robot using Soft Membrane Vibration Actuators SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 556 5 лет назад
Semi-supervised Gait Generation with Two Microfluidic Soft Sensors SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 340 5 лет назад
This Is The First LIQUID Robot, And It’s Unbelievable AsapSCIENCE 4,720,295 2 года назад
Life at the Lab: Soft Robots NASA Langley Research Center 1,551,722 5 лет назад
Exo-Glove Poly (Extended) (Seoul National University) SNU BioRobotics Lab 91,104 9 лет назад
Flat Inflatable Artificial Muscles With Large Stroke and Adjustable Force-Length Relations SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 4,778 4 года назад
Surprisingly STEM: Soft Robotics Engineers NASA STEM 89,263 2 года назад
Soft Robots nature video 428,386 9 лет назад
This Unstoppable Robot Could Save Your Life Veritasium 35,192,874 3 года назад
Unique (and creepy) soft robots Interesting Engineering 75,999 3 года назад
Elongatable Gripper Fingers with Tactile Sensors for Underactuated Grasping SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 784 2 года назад
Soft Inflatable Sensing Modules for Safe and Interactive Robots SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 797 5 лет назад
Ultra-Thin Multi-Modal Soft Sensor Using Liquid-Metal Thin-Film Deposition SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 99 8 месяцев назад
Learning to Walk a Tripod Mobile Robot Using Nonlinear Soft Vibration Actuators SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 221 4 года назад
Bilateral Back Extensor Exosuit for Multidimensional Assistance and Prevention of Spinal Injuries SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 2,426 7 месяцев назад
Selectively Stiffening Garments Enabled by Cellular Composites SNU Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab 521 2 года назад